
Advancing privacy, together

By choosing and advocating for Proton, you become part of a community of millions, united by a common belief that online privacy is worth fighting for.

Built by the community,
for the community

In 2014, we launched Proton with crowdfunding support. Today, our community continues to help prioritize product and advocacy efforts, and contributes to Proton's development.

Join a community and stay informed on relevant news

Your voice matters in the Proton community. Connect with our team, share your product feedback, find answers to your burning questions, and engage in discussions with like-minded individuals.

Not only this, but sharing privacy and security news with your peers can help more people discover Proton and start protecting their privacy.

Proton Mail

Proton Drive

Proton VPN

Proton Pass

Proton Wallet

Standard Notes

Join one of our user-supported communities to connect with other privacy enthusiasts.

Live chat

Discuss tips, tricks and troubleshooting with other Proton community members in a privacy and security focused live chat.


Join a community of like-minded enthusiasts and participate in forum-style discussions where you can share your tips, learn from others, and troubleshoot issues.

Your support, input, and participation make Proton what it is today.

Guide future development

As a community-driven company, we believe in building our products with the input of our users. You can share your feedback through yearly surveys, UI/UX user testing, or by voting on what features and products we should build next.

Translate Proton in your language

Our global localization community of over 2000 volunteers has made privacy and security accessible to millions of people worldwide. Contribute to making privacy accessible in your country by translating Proton’s apps and websites in your language.

Test new features and products

Our community’s feedback and bug reports help Proton develop reliable, secure, and easy-to-use products that protect your privacy and the privacy of the whole community. Contribute to Proton’s app development by becoming a beta tester.

Verify or contribute to our code

All Proton apps are open source, which means anyone can verify that they do what we claim and can contribute to their development. This preserves our community’s trust and ensures the highest level of protection for our users. You can access independent security audits, review our code, or contribute to improving it.

Help keep Proton safe for everyone

The Proton community relies on our services to protect their data. If you are a security researcher, you can assist in identifying, verifying, and resolving potential vulnerabilities. By contributing to our bug bounty program you can help keep Proton safe, earn recognition, and rewards.

Contribute to Proton’s mission

Privacy is collective; we all benefit from each other’s privacy, and we all lose when this is weakened. By choosing to protect your privacy, you’re already taking steps to building a better, more private internet.

But there are many other ways in which you can contribute to the Proton community and help advance our mission.

Tell us your story

Help us understand why privacy matters to you and how Proton helps you preserve it. Your unique story can inspire others to understand why privacy and freedom are worth fighting for. Get in touch with us at!

Meet Proton’s first Reddit mod

Rafficer is a Proton power-user and a dedicated community member. He has been a key contributor to the Proton Mail subreddit and has contributed to building the Proton VPN Linux command line. We interviewed Rafficer in 2021 to discuss his contributions to the Proton community.

Meet one of Proton’s localization volunteers

Ben is a volunteer proofreader in the Proton Localization team. Despite a full time job in IT and a family, he finds time to help validate translation proposals to make sure they are consistent and at the highest quality level. Ben’s work has contributed to making Proton available to thousands of people in his language, French.


Build an internet that respects people’s privacy

Take control of your data with Proton Mail, Proton Calendar, Proton Drive, and Proton VPN using one Proton Account.