
Quite an exciting weekend, we finally got the interview date/time for our MassChallenge(yeni pencere) pitch. We will be pitching to the judges this coming Wednesday for a shot at entering the finals.

MassChallenge is quite possibly the world’s largest start-up accelerator program. In total over 1650 teams applied this year from around the world with only 350 making it into the semifinals. On Wednesday, the Proton team will be pitching to become one of the 128 finalists for this year who will be able to participate in a 4 month long accelerator program.

As a small self funded start-up, becoming accepted into the MassChallenge accelerator would be a huge win for us as we would have free access to extensive legal and media resources, and access to many great advisers. This will allow our core team to focus entirely on building Proton Mail and accelerate our software development. We’ll finally have the opportunity to start adding in some of the hundreds of features that have been requested by our early adopters.

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