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  • Proton Mail
As some people in the Proton Mail community have noticed, at the start of March, some mail servers in Russia started having difficulty communicating with Proton Mail. While people in Russia are still able to access the Proton Mail website and log in
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  • Proton Mail
Recently, a self-published paper that was not peer reviewed claimed weaknesses in Proton Mail’s cryptographic architecture. The document is rather dense, and the casual reader is unlikely to be able to understand much beyond the alarming conclusion t
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  • Proton Mail
今天,我们为14亿中国人带来了本地化支持。这是我们为所有人带来互联网隐私和安全的使命中非常重要的一步。 Today, we’re making Proton Mail more accessible for 1.4 billion native Chinese speakers, a major step forward in our mission to bring Internet privacy and security to all. 从现在开始,除了已经支持的14种语言外,您还可以
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  • Proton Mail
The General Data Protection Regulation is the world’s toughest data privacy law, threatening enormous fines to violators. Yet businesses have few good resources to help them comply. is here to change that. The European Union created the GDPR
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  • Proton Mail
What started out as a part-time experiment is now the largest secure email provider in the world. How did we get here? One word: YOU. More than other companies, Proton Mail is the sum of its users. And in 2018, millions more of you joined us. We’re
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  • Proton Mail
Ever coordinated a social event, a parents group, or a team of colleagues at work? For those moments when you want everyone on the same page, you want a feature like Contact Groups to help you stay organized. Today we’re happy to announce Contact Gro
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  • Proton Mail
Since we first opened to the public in 2014, Proton Mail has grown at an accelerating pace and is now the largest secure email provider in the world. With so many organizations depending on us for everyday communications, we are proud to offer an upt
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  • Proton Mail
We have launched a new Report Phishing feature in order to improve the security of the entire Proton community. Phishing scams are among the most effective kinds of online attacks. Cyber criminals create emails that try to get you to click on malici
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  • Proton Mail
Updated February 2022 with new instructions for enabling beta access on the desktop.   Perhaps more than other tech companies, Proton Mail takes pride in being a community-driven project. Our community gave us the initial backing to get started, our
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  • Proton Mail
At Proton Mail, our goal is to make encryption as widespread and accessible as possible. We believe a key step toward that is having well-maintained, robust, and secure open source encryption libraries. This is the goal of our efforts on the OpenPGPj
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  • Proton Mail
Starting with the latest release of Proton Mail on web (v3.14), iOS and Android (v1.9), and the latest versions of the Proton Mail IMAP/SMTP Bridge, Proton Mail now supports Address Verification, along with full PGP interoperability and support. In t