
Dear Early Adopters,

A lot of progress has been made since our last waiting list update(new window).  Our major infrastructure upgrades(new window) went smoothly and have made Proton Mail even more reliable, secure, and ready to take in more users than ever before.  We are pleased to announce that we have sent out close to 300,000 invites in the last several months!

For users who signed up on the waiting list before January 15th 2015, the wait is now over. If you signed up before January 15th, you should have received an invitation email. Unfortunately, it is possible this invite email was lost in your spam folder or dropped by your current email service provider ( for instance has had some issues lately). If you registered for Proton Mail before January 15th and are still waiting, please kindly email us at with your username or outside email so we can try resending your invite.

For our new friends who only found out about Proton Mail recently, your wait will not be as long! We are inviting new users every week and will very soon, almost surely, approach instant access. The next several months will be very exciting as we will be deploying some long-awaited features and announce some more good news. Thanks again for your patience and support as we improve Proton Mail!

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