
All you need to know about Proton Unlimited

Access all the premium features on Proton’s privacy-by-default ecosystem and protect all your data with one subscription.

As part of Proton’s evolution from an end-to-end encrypted email provider into a privacy-by-default ecosystem providing multiple services, we have introduced Proton Unlimited. Proton Unlimited is a new plan that combines the paid version of our secure email, calendar, drive, and VPN services into one easy subscription. 

Proton Unlimited lets you benefit from the Proton ecosystem

The Proton Unlimited plan is a replacement for our previous bundles that combined Proton Mail Plus and Proton VPN Plus. It gives you access to all the paid features on Proton Mail(new window), Proton VPN(new window), Proton Calendar(new window), and Proton Drive(new window), without requiring a separate subscription for each service. At 9.99€ per month with a one-year subscription, it is similarly priced as our previous bundle plan but offers more features.

Proton Unlimited provides:

  • 500 GB total storage (shared across Proton Mail, Proton Calendar, and Proton Drive)
  • Up to 15 email addresses
  • Unlimited labels and folders
  • Support for 3 custom email domains
  • Short email address to send and receive messages
  • All paid Proton Calendar features (support for 20 calendars, including sharing)
  • Proton VPN with support for 10 devices
  • Highest VPN speed 
  • Worldwide streaming service support (VPN)
  • NetShield ad-blocker (VPN)
  • 4500+ VPN servers in 90+ countries

And much more!

Get Proton Unlimited

Proton Unlimited is also available as a month-to-month subscription at 12.99€/month, or as a two-year subscription at 7.99€/month, making it one of the most cost-effective packages combining encrypted email, file storage, and VPN. 

With your help, we’re building a better internet

Unlike other internet companies that spy on you to target you with ads, Proton relies on subscriptions from the Proton community to our paid plans for revenue. We rely on you for funding. You rely on Proton to protect your privacy. This way, we’re always incentivized to keep your data secure and private.

If you subscribe to a Proton Unlimited plan, you not only get access to all premium features on our services, but you also support our work in building a better internet where privacy is the default.

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