
Online privacy,
for your whole family

  • Upp till 6 användare
  • 3 TB totalt lagringsutrymme
  • Secure Password Sharing
24 månader
19,99 €
Spara 240 €
Billed at 479,76 € every 2 years
12 månader
23,99 €
Spara 72 €
Billed at 287,88 € every year
1 månad
29,99 €
Spara 0 €
Billed at 29,99 € every month

30 dagars pengarna-tillbaka-garanti

Skydda din familjs integritet online med ett allt-i-ett-paket.

As featured in
The Wall Street Journal
Financial Times
Proton Family-paket

Protect what matters most with end-to-end encryption

Proton uses zero-access encryption and end-to-end encryption so that no one can decrypt, access, or abuse your family's data.

Secure your communications

Each family member gets their own encrypted email address to secure their communications with Proton Mail.

Skydda dina minnen

Securely store all your family's photos and documents in Proton Drive to make them accessible from anywhere, anytime.

Browse safer, stream faster

Skydda din familj från skadliga webbplatser och få åtkomst till våra höghastighets VPN-servrar för att streama ditt favoritinnehåll med Proton VPN.

Stay ahead of your schedule

Keep your plans private and perfectly organized with Proton Calendar. Easily share your calendar with family or colleagues.

All your accounts in one safe place

Create, store and use secure login details for streaming services, banking apps, or shopping websites with Proton Pass.

The best value to protect your family

The Proton Family plan starts from 19,99 € a month for six family members, 3 TB of total storage space, and access to all Proton services and features.

Easily move your data from Google

Easy Switch lets you effortlessly import existing emails, contacts, and calendars from Gmail and other providers to Proton.

Schweizisk integritet

Proton is headquartered in Switzerland, meaning your emails, files, events, passwords, and browsing history are protected by strict Swiss privacy laws.

Proton FAQ