
Guías de privacidad

  • Guías de privacidad
Phishing scams can put you at risk of identity theft, credit card fraud, or other cybercrime. Learn how to spot and prevent phishing.
how to stop email trackers
  • Guías de privacidad
Protect your inbox from email trackers. Learn how they work and learn easy ways to block them with Proton Mail’s tracking protection.
  • Guías de privacidad
In this article, we examine the LastPass data breach and consider the lessons that can be drawn from it.
what are email headers
  • Guías de privacidad
Learn what email headers are, what they contain, and how to read them to keep your inbox secure and spam-free.
how to encrypt files
  • Guías de privacidad
If you have sensitive files or just want to keep your data private, here’s how to encrypt files on Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS.
what is two factor authentication (2fa)
  • Guías de privacidad
Learn what 2FA is, how it works, and why you should use it wherever you can to protect your privacy and security online.
  • Guías de privacidad
Cloud storage lets you share large files quickly, back up your data, and more. Read on to find out if you should use cloud storage.
how to password protect pdf header image
  • Guías de privacidad
PDFs often contain sensitive information. Here’s how to protect PDFs with a password and securely share them with anyone.
can emails be traced
  • Guías de privacidad
Email providers, ISPs, and law enforcers have ways to trace and track you through your emails. Here’s how to stay private online.
what is ciphertext
  • Guías de privacidad
Learn all about ciphertext (encrypted text) and how it protects your privacy and secures online communications, including encrypted email.
  • Guías de privacidad
We explain the different types of encryption for cloud storage, and why end-to-end encryption (e2ee) is the best for your files.