
Proton Mail supports data journalists through the European Journalism Centre

On Thursday, the European Journalism Centre launched, a forum and educational tool for data journalists. We’re excited to support their important work.

At the intersection of coding and journalism lies data journalism. Data journalists use analytic and data visualization software to turn raw figures into stories that can inform, surprise, and inspire. Their work is essential because they help to uphold many of the same values we support here at Proton Mail: privacy, security, democracy, and freedom of information.

As part of our continued commitment to the press, we are excited to be a part of window), a new project by the European Journalism Centre. EJC Director Adam Thomas explained the goals of the project in a blog post(new window), calling it “the go-to resource for data journalism enthusiasts all over the world.”

Anyone can sign up to use for free. Those who join get access to online video courses (such as learning to use Python(new window) or how to go viral(new window)) and a community discussion forum.

Membership also entitles you to discounts from tech partners — including Proton Mail and Proton VPN! Journalists who sign up for can create a new Proton Mail account or upgrade their existing free account, and receive 25% off our Plus plan.

To get the discount, you can register a free account here: window). Then check your “goodie bag” for a discount code.

How Proton Mail supports journalists

We launched our end-to-end encrypted email(new window) service in 2014 with the express desire to create a safer world for those who put themselves at risk for their beliefs, including whistleblowers, dissidents, and journalists. We started with secure email and then quickly expanded our products, security features, and educational resources: Proton VPN(new window), Encrypted Contacts(new window), Address Verification(new window), and a security guide for journalists(new window).

We have also leveraged our community to support scholarships for conflict reporters through Reporters Without Borders Berlin and a donation to Charter’97, an independent news outlet in Belarus(new window), which came under attack for its critical reporting on the government. Unfortunately, such attacks against journalism are common. Proton Mail’s security features(new window) offer a measure of protection against online surveillance and hacks.

We’re proud of our past support for the press, and we look forward to expanding the use of encryption among journalists. Want to switch your newsroom to encrypted email? Please contact us at

Best Regards,
The Proton Mail Team

You can get a free secure email account from Proton Mail here(new window).

We also provide a free VPN service(new window) to protect your privacy.

Proton Mail and Proton VPN are funded by community contributions. If you would like to support our development efforts, you can upgrade to a paid plan. Thank you for your support.

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