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July 30th, 2014 Geneva, Switzerland Proton Mail’s crowdfunding campaign has surged past $500,000 with the support of over 10,000 backers, setting a new record for a software project in the technology category on Indiegogo. The success of the campai
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$1000+ in prizes, 6 hours, free food and drink. August 2, 2014 at MIT.  Register on Eventbrite. View the hackathon webpage. We feel that privacy is a fundamental human right. The goal of the Proton Mail project is to build an encrypted email servic
  • Proton-nieuws
We are happy to announce the release of Proton Mail v1.08. As usual, please completely clear your browser cache to make sure you load the latest version of Proton Mail. Also, among all the security researchers who helped us, we’d like to give special
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This mini-update builds upon the major update 1.07. Bug Fixes * * Fixed an issue that prevented IceWeasel users from being able to login. * Fixed an issue that prevented users of the TorBrowserBundle from being able to login. * Fixed a
  • Proton-nieuws
We are happy to announce the release of Proton Mail v1.07. As usual, please completely clear your browser cache to make sure you load the latest version of Proton Mail. Bug Fixes * Fixed an issue where using certain display names could result in a
  • Proton-nieuws
Please completely clear your browser cache to make sure you load the latest version of Proton Mail. New Features * The monthly message limit on all accounts has been increased to 1000. * Changed login password hashing algorithm (backend) Known
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A couple of days ago, a video was circulated online that claimed Proton Mail is susceptible to a XSS (cross-site scripting) issue which raised some concerns among Proton Mail users. We want to clarify that this does not impact the current version of
  • Proton-nieuws
We are happy to announce the release of Proton Mail v1.06. As usual, please completely clear your browser cache to make sure you load the latest version of Proton Mail. Bug Fixes * Fixed a bug where you would lose your place in your inbox. * You
  • Proton-nieuws
UPDATE 1: 7/1/2014 0900h, Still no response from PayPal, our campaign page can still be viewed here. Credit card and Bitcoin contributions are still possible at this time. UPDATE 2: 7/1/2014, 1700h, PayPal has let us know that the restrictions on ou
  • Proton-nieuws
Now that the Proton Mail Campaign has raised over $250,000 for protecting online privacy, some people have asked us, how much do we need to raise to accomplish our stretch goals? In the table below, we have outlined our goals, and the amount of mone
  • Proton-nieuws
Last Updated: September 22nd, 2014 THANK YOU! Thank you for contributing to our Indiegogo campaign. With your support, we can build the more private and secure internet of the future. To redeem your perks please follow the instructions below. If t