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Prywatność w standardzie."],"People before profits":["Ludzie przed zyskiem"],"Security through transparency":["Bezpieczeństwo dzięki przejrzystości"],"The best Proton Mail ${ BLACK_FRIDAY } deals":["Najlepsze oferty Proton Mail ${ BLACK_FRIDAY }"],"The world’s only community- supported email service":["Jedyna na świecie usługa e-mail wspierana przez społeczność"]},"specialoffer:limited":{"${ hours } hour":["${ hours } godzina","${ hours } godziny","${ hours } godzin","${ hours } godziny"],"${ hoursLeft }, ${ minutesLeft } and ${ secondsLeft } left":["Pozostało: ${ hoursLeft }, ${ minutesLeft } i ${ secondsLeft }"],"${ minutes } minute":["${ minutes } minuta","${ minutes } minuty","${ minutes } minut","${ minutes } minuty"],"${ seconds } second":["${ seconds } sekunda","${ seconds } sekundy","${ seconds } sekund","${ seconds } sekundy"],"Limited time offer":["Oferta ograniczona czasowo"]},"specialoffer:listitem":{"Create multiple addresses":["Utwórz wiele adresów"],"Hide-my-email aliases":["Aliasy hide-my-email"],"Quickly unsubscribe from newsletters":["Szybko anuluj subskrypcję biuletynów"],"Use your own domain name":["Korzystaj z własnej nazwy domeny"]},"specialoffer:logos":{"As featured in":["Opinie naszych klientów"]},"specialoffer:metadescription":{"Get an encrypted email that protects your privacy":["Uzyskaj zaszyfrowaną usługę e-mail, która chroni Twoją prywatność"]},"specialoffer:metatitle":{"Proton Mail Black Friday Sale - Up to 40% off":["Wyprzedaż Proton Mail z okazji Czarnego Piątku – uzyskaj do 40% zniżki"]},"specialoffer:newmetadescription":{"Get up to 40% off Proton Mail subscriptions this Black Friday. Find great deals on our secure end-to-end encrypted email plans.":["Uzyskaj do 40% zniżki na subskrypcje Proton Mail w ten Czarny Piątek. Znajdź wspaniałe oferty naszych bezpiecznych planów usługi poczty elektronicznej w szyfrowaniu end-to-end."]},"specialoffer:newmetatitle":{"Proton Mail Black Friday sale | Up to 40% off secure email":["Wyprzedaż Proton Mail z okazji Czarnego Piątku | Do 40% zniżki na bezpieczną pocztę elektroniczną"]},"specialoffer:note":{"* Billed at ${ TOTAL_SUM } for the first year":["* Płatne ${ TOTAL_SUM } za pierwszy rok"],"*Billed at ${ TOTAL_SUM } for the first 2 years":["* Płatne ${ TOTAL_SUM } za pierwsze 2 lata"],"30-day money-back guarantee":["30-dniowa gwarancja zwrotu pieniędzy"],"Billed at ${ TOTAL_SUM } for the first 2 years":["Płatne ${ TOTAL_SUM } za pierwsze 2 lata"],"Billed at ${ TOTAL_SUM } for the first year":["Płatne ${ TOTAL_SUM } za pierwszy rok"],"You save ${ SAVE_SUM }":["Oszczędzasz ${ SAVE_SUM }"]},"specialoffer:off":{"${ PERCENT_OFF } off":["-${ PERCENT_OFF }"]},"specialoffer:testimonial":{"I love my ProtonMail":["Uwielbiam ProtonMail"],"My favorite email service":["Moja ulubiona usługa e-mail"],"Thanks Proton for keeping us all safe in the complicated internet universe.":["Dziękuję Protonowi za dbanie o nasze bezpieczeństwo w skomplikowanym internetowym uniwersum."],"You get what you pay for. In the case of big tech, if you pay nothing, you get used. I quit using Gmail and switched to @ProtonMail":["Dostajesz to, za co płacisz. W przypadku przedsiębiorstw big tech, jeśli nie płacisz nic, zostaniesz wykorzystany. Przestałam korzystać z Gmail i przeniosłam się na @ProtonMail"]},"specialoffer:time":{"Days":["Dni"],"Hours":["Godz."],"Min":["Min"]},"specialoffer:title":{"And much more":["I wiele więcej"],"Safe from trackers":["Żadnych elementów śledzących"],"Stay organized":["Dbaj o dobrą organizację"],"Black Friday email deals":["Oferty e-mailowe na Czarny Piątek"],"Don’t just take our word for it":["Nie musisz wierzyć nam na słowo"],"Make your inbox yours":["Niech skrzynka odbiorcza należy tylko do Ciebie"],"Our story":["Nasza historia"],"Transfer your data from Google in one click":["Przenieś dane z Google jednym kliknięciem"]},"specialoffer:tooltip":{"Access blocked content and browse privately. Includes ${ TOTAL_VPN_SERVERS }+ servers in ${ TOTAL_VPN_COUNTRIES }+ countries, connect up to 10 devices, access worldwide streaming services, malware and ad-blocker, and more.":["Uzyskaj dostęp do zablokowanych treści i przeglądaj prywatnie Internet. Obejmuje ponad ${ TOTAL_VPN_SERVERS } serwerów w ponad ${ TOTAL_VPN_COUNTRIES } krajach z możliwością połączenia do 10 urządzeń, a także dostęp do globalnych usług streamingu, blokadę reklam, złośliwego oprogramowania i wiele więcej."],"Easily share your calendar with your family, friends or colleagues, and view external calendars.":["Łatwo udostępniaj swój kalendarz rodzinie, znajomym oraz współpracownikom i wyświetla kalendarze zewnętrzne."],"Includes support for 1 custom email domain, 10 email addresses, 10 hide-my-email aliases, calendar sharing, and more.":["Zawiera obsługę 1 niestandardowej domeny e-mail, 10 adresów e-mail, 10 aliasów hide-my-email, udostępnianie kalendarza i nie tylko."],"Includes support for 3 custom email domains, 15 email addresses, unlimited hide-my-email aliases, calendar sharing, and more.":["Obejmuje obsługę 3 niestandardowych domen e-mail, 15 adresów e-mail, nielimitowane aliasy hide-my-email, udostępnianie kalendarza i nie tylko."],"Manage up to 25 calendars, mobile apps, secured with end-to-end encryption, 1-click calendar import from Google, and more.":["Zarządzanie nawet 25 kalendarzami, aplikacje mobilne, bezpieczne szyfrowanie metodą end-to-end, importowanie kalendarza za pomocą jednego kliknięcia z Google i więcej."]},"Status Banner":{"At the moment we are experiencing issues with the Proton VPN service":["W tej chwili mamy problemy z usługą Proton VPN"]},"Status banner":{"Learn more":["Dowiedz się więcej"],"Please note that at the moment we are experiencing issues with the ${ issues[0] } service.":["Uwaga: obecnie występują problemy z usługą ${ issues[0] }."],"We are experiencing issues with one or more services at the moment.":["Mamy problemy z co najmniej jedną usługą."]},"steps":{"Step":["Krok"]},"suggestions":{"Suggestions":["Sugestie"]},"Support":{"Sub category":["Podkategoria","Podkategorie","Podkategorii","Podkategorii"]},"Support article":{"${ readingTime } min":["${ readingTime } min","${ readingTime } min","${ readingTime } min","${ readingTime } min"],"Category":["Kategoria","Kategorie","Kategorii","Kategorii"],"Didn’t find what you were looking for?":["Nie znaleziono szukanej frazy?"],"General contact":["Skontaktuj się, wykorzystując ogólne zapytanie"],"Get help":["Uzyskaj pomoc"],"Legal contact":["Skontaktuj się z działem prawnym"],"Media contact":["Skontaktuj się z zespołem medialnym"],"Partnerships contact":["Skontaktuj się z zespołem ds. partnerstwa"],"Reading":["Odczytywanie"]},"Support Form Platform option":{"VPN for Android TV":["VPN dla Android TV"],"VPN for Apple TV":["VPN na Apple TV"],"VPN for Chromebook":["VPN dla Chromebooka"]},"Support troubleshooting":{"App version":["Wersja aplikacji"],"Browser":["Przeglądarka"],"Check if this helps":["Sprawdź, czy to pomoże"],"Choose a product":["Wybierz produkt"],"Did this solve your issue?":["Czy Twój problem został rozwiązany?"],"Faster assistance is just a few clicks away":["Szybsze wsparcie uzyskasz w kilka kliknięć"],"How can we help?":["Jak możemy pomóc?"],"No, contact support":["Nie, skontaktuj się z pomocą techniczną"],"Please fill out one field after another":["Wypełnij pola jedno po drugim"],"Please make your selections":["Dokonaj wyboru"],"Proton account":["Konto Proton"],"Proton for Business":["Proton for Business"],"Thank you for your feedback":["Dziękujemy za podzielenie się opinią"],"What can we help with?":["W czym możemy pomóc?"],"Yes":["Tak"]},"support_modal_search_query":{"Search query":["Zapytanie wyszukiwania"]},"support_search_button":{"Search":["Szukaj"]},"support_search_i_am_looking_for":{"I'm looking for":["Szukam"]},"SupportForm":{"For a faster resolution, please report the issue from the Bridge app: Help > Report a problem.":["W celu szybszego rozwiązania problemu dokonaj zgłoszenia przez aplikację Bridge: Pomoc > Zgłoś problem."],"Information":["Informacje"]},"SupportForm:option":{"Account Security":["Bezpieczeństwo konta"],"Contacts":["Kontakty"],"Custom email domain":["Niestandardowa domena e-mail"],"Email delivery and Spam":["Dostarczanie wiadomości e-mail i spam"],"Encryption":["Szyfrowanie"],"Login and password":["Login i hasło"],"Merge aliases and accounts":["Scalanie aliasów i kont"],"Migrate to Proton":["Migracja do Proton"],"Notifications":["Powiadomienia"],"Other":["Inne"],"Plans and billing":["Plany i rozliczenia"],"Proton for Business":["Proton for Business"],"Sign up":["Rejestracja"],"Storage":["Przestrzeń dyskowa"],"Users, addresses, and identities":["Użytkownicy, adresy i tożsamości"]},"SupportForm:optionIntro":{"Select a topic":["Wybierz temat"]},"Testimonial":{"Awards":["Nagrody"],"Customers":["Klienci"],"Featured":["Wyróżnione"],"Go to testimonial source":["Przejdź do źródła referencji"],"Open source of award":["Otwórz źródło nagrody"],"Open source of quote":["Otwórz źródło cytatu"],"Reviews":["Opinie"],"Videos":["Pliki wideo"],"Watch on TikTok":["Oglądaj na TikTok"],"Watch on YouTube":["Oglądaj na YouTube"]},"TestimonialCategory":{"Awards":["Nagrody"],"Customers":["Klienci"],"Featured":["Wyróżnione"],"Media":["Multimedia"],"Reviews":["Opinie"],"Videos":["Pliki wideo"]},"Text":{"If you need help, check out our ${ supportLink }.":["Jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy, sprawdź naszą ${ supportLink }."],"The page you’re looking for might have been removed, or it could be an\nold link.":["Strona, której szukasz, mogła zostać usunięta lub link jest przestarzały."],"Your question may already have an answer in our knowledge base:":["Na Twoje pytanie może już istnieć odpowiedź w bazie wiedzy:"]},"Title":{"On this page":["Na tej stronie"],"Page not found":["Nie znaleziono strony"],"Related articles":["Powiązane artykuły"],"Share ${ thisPage }":["Udostępnij ${ thisPage }"],"Switch to Proton Pass - Contact us":["Przejdź na Proton Pass – skontaktuj się z nami"],"Thank you!":["Dziękujemy!"],"this page":["tę stronę"]},"tooltip_vpn":{"Access blocked content and browse privately. Includes ${ TOTAL_VPN_SERVERS }+ servers in ${ TOTAL_VPN_COUNTRIES }+ countries, highest VPN speed, ${ TOTAL_VPN_CONNECTIONS } VPN connections, worldwide streaming services, malware and ad-blocker, and more.":["Uzyskaj dostęp do zablokowanych treści i przeglądaj prywatnie Internet. Obejmuje ponad ${ TOTAL_VPN_SERVERS } serwerów w ponad ${ TOTAL_VPN_COUNTRIES } krajach, najwyższe prędkości VPN, ${ TOTAL_VPN_CONNECTIONS } połączeń VPN, usługi streamingu na całym świecie, blokowanie reklam oraz złośliwego oprogramowania i wiele więcej."]},"vpn_servers":{"Get Proton VPN Plus":["Wybierz plan Proton VPN Plus"]},"wallet_signup_2024:Action":{"Get Proton Wallet":["Wybierz Proton Wallet"]},"wallet_signup_2024:Homepage hero product link title":{"Wallet":["Portfel"]},"wallet_signup_2024:Homepage product navigation bar":{"Wallet":["Portfel"]},"wallet_signup_2024:menu item":{"Bitcoin guide":["Przewodnik po systemie Bitcoin"],"Proton Wallet news":["Aktualności Proton Wallet"],"Proton Wallet support":["Wsparcie dla Proton Wallet"]},"wallet_signup_2024:Pricing":{"Includes everything in Proton Unlimited and":["Zawiera wszystko, co Proton Unlimited oraz"],"Limited availability":["Ograniczona dostępność"],"The easiest way to securely own, send, and receive Bitcoin":["Najprostszy sposób na bezpieczne przechowywanie, wysyłanie i odbieranie waluty Bitcoin"]},"wallet_signup_2024:ProductRange":{"Discover Proton Wallet":["Odkryj rozwiązanie Proton Wallet"],"Store and transact Bitcoin privately with an encrypted self-custody wallet.":["Bezpiecznie przechowuj i przesyłaj Bitcoiny dzięki szyfrowanemu portfelowi typu self-custody."]},"wallet_signup_2024:wallet bitcoin":{"Learn about Bitcoin, the Internet's value network.":["Dowiedz się więcej o internetowym systemie gotówkowym Bitcoin."]},"wallet_signup_2024:wallet overview":{"Ensure you're always in control of your Bitcoin.":["Miej pełny nadzór nad swoimi Bitcoinami."]},"wallet_signup_2024:wallet security":{"The encrypted, open-source wallet that puts you in control.":["Szyfrowany portfel o otwartym kodzie źródłowym, który daje Ci pełną kontrolę."]}}},"base":"blog","cdn":{"enabledForAssets":true,"enabledForImages":true,"url":""},"unleashApi":""};
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Fighting Censorship with Proton Mail Encrypted Email Over Tor | Proton
As part of our efforts to continue protecting user privacy, we are launching a Tor hidden service to combat censorship and surveillance of Proton Mail users.
UPDATE October 2021: New TLS certificate. See below.
As Proton Mail has evolved, the world has also been changing around us. Civil liberties have been increasingly restricted in all corners of the globe. Even Western democracies such as the US have not been immune to this trend, which is most starkly illustrated by the forced enlistment of US tech companies into the US surveillance apparatus(nowe okno). In fact, we have reached the point where it simply not possible to run a privacy and security focused service in the US(nowe okno) or in the UK(nowe okno).
At the same time, the stakes are also higher than ever before. As Proton Mail has grown, we have become increasingly aware of our role as a tool for freedom of speech, and in particular for investigative journalism. Last fall, we were invited to the 2nd Asian Investigative Journalism Conference(nowe okno) and were able to get a firsthand look at the importance of tools like Proton Mail in the field.
Recently, more and more countries have begun to take active measures to surveil or restrict access to privacy services(nowe okno), cutting off access to these vital tools. We realize that censorship of Proton Mail in certain countries is not a matter of if, but a matter of when. That’s why we have created a Tor hidden service (also known as an onion site) for Proton Mail to provide an alternative access to Proton Mail that is more secure, private, and resistant to censorship.
Tor Hidden Service for Encrypted Email
Starting today, it is also possible to connect to Proton Mail directly through the Tor network using our new onion site. In order to use our onion site, you need to first set up Tor on your computer. Instructions for using Proton Mail encrypted email with Tor can be found here(nowe okno). After Tor is properly set up, Proton Mail’s onion site can be visited at the following URL:
We would like to give a special thanks to Roger Dingledine and the Tor Project(nowe okno) for creating the Tor software and also providing insightful comments and suggestions regarding Proton Mail’s onion site implementation.
Tor Email Privacy
There are several reasons why you might want to use Proton Mail over Tor. First, routing your traffic to Proton Mail through the Tor network makes it difficult for an adversary wiretapping your internet connection to know that you are using Proton Mail. Tor applies extra encryption layers on top of your connection, making it more difficult for an advanced attacker to perform a man-in-the-middle attack on your connection to us. Tor also makes your connections to Proton Mail anonymous as we will not be able to see the true IP address of your connection to Proton Mail.
Tor can also help with Proton Mail accessibility. If Proton Mail becomes blocked in your country, it may be possible to reach Proton Mail by going to our onion site. Furthermore, onion sites are “hidden” services in the sense that an adversary cannot easily determine their physical location(nowe okno). Thus, while could be attacked by DDoS attacks, protonirockerxow.onion cannot be attacked in the same way because an attacker will not be able to find a public IP address(nowe okno).
Note, it is also possible to visit Proton Mail via Tor at our regular site, okno), but there are several advantages to using the onion site. First, onion site connections provide true end-to-end encryption on the Tor level, meaning that the extra encryption that Tor applies is present until your connection reaches our infrastructure, whereas a non-onion Tor connection does not have Tor encryption beyond the last node. Secondly, Tor also provides end-to-end authentication, with helps to mitigate some of the weaknesses with the existing Certificate Authority system(nowe okno) that is used to secure most of the Internet (more about this later).
Using Tor does come with some downsides however. Tor connections typically are much slower than a standard internet connection, so performance will suffer as a result. Proton Mail’s onion site is still considered to be experimental, so its reliability may not be as high as our standard site.
Since our onion site is still experimental, we are not making any recommendations yet regarding the use of Proton Mail’s onion site. Even without using Tor, your Proton Mail inbox is still strongly protected with PGP end-to-end encryption(nowe okno), secure authentication(nowe okno) (SRP), and optional two-factor authentication(nowe okno). However, Proton Mail definitely has users in sensitive situations where the extra security and anonymity provided by Tor could literally save lives.
Proton Mail’s Onion Site – Technical Details
In implementing Proton Mail’s onion site, we took a few additional precautions to ensure the highest level of security to protect against advanced threats.
HTTPS with Tor
As an added security feature, we have decided to offer our onion site with HTTPS only. To accomplish this, we partnered with SSL Certificate provider Digicert(nowe okno) to provide a valid certificate for our .onion website. Previously, Digicert issued the first-ever onion SSL certificate to Facebook(nowe okno) and we’re glad that Digicert was able to do the same for Proton Mail.
Proton Mail’s .onion SSL certificate has Extended Validation, which provides an additional layer of protection against phishing because you can be certain that the onion site you are connecting to belongs to us. For extra security, you can also manually verify the SSL certificate for https://protonmailrmez3lotccipshtkleegetolb73fuirgj7r4o4vfu7ozyd.onion/ with the following SHA hashes.
While HTTPS is not strictly necessary for onion sites, we decided to make it mandatory for Proton Mail for several reasons:
First, we will likely take advantage of the ability to keep the location of onion sites secret by hosting our .onion website far away from our current infrastructure in an undisclosed location and country. In this situation, HTTPS adds an additional encryption layer to protect the traffic between the onion front end and our core infrastucture. HTTPS also allows us to continue enforcing the usage of secure cookies, which improves user security.
Secondly, we believe in security in depth. For this reason, we don’t believe HTTPS is entirely redundant for onion sites. If someday Tor were to be compromised, enforcing HTTPS adds another layer of security for the end user. Similarly, Tor also provides security in case HTTPS is compromised. The notion of HTTPS being compromised(nowe okno) is one that we take seriously, considering that there are hundreds of CAs (Certificate Authorities) that are trusted by default, with many of them under direct government control in high risk countries.
Thus, by using our onion site, your emails are protected by three layers of end-to-end encryption, there’s Tor’s encryption on the outer layer, HTTPS in the middle layer, and PGP as the final layer of defense for the emails themselves.
What’s Next?
You can find a more simplified and condensed version of all of this on the following webpage we have created to give the 30-second summary of Proton Mail’s Tor support:
In the coming months, we will be hard at work making additional security and privacy enhancements to Proton Mail, including finishing some of the leftover items from our 2016 Security Roadmap(nowe okno). Moving forward in 2017, we will be putting added focus on making Proton Mail more censorship resistant, and providing our user community with the tools required to connect securely to Proton Mail, even from compromised locations.
For questions and comment, you can reach us at
Proton Mail is funded by community contributions. If you would like to support our development efforts, you can upgrade to a paid plan(nowe okno). Thank you for your support!
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