President Trump is now at the head of the US warrantless surveillance machine

The United States claims to be the land of the free, but freedom is impossible without individual privacy. You must be certain the government will not arbitrarily monitor you in your home or on your devices. Yet the US legal system does little to protect your privacy rights. Eight years ago, we wrote about Trump taking control of the NSA, however former President Biden also expanded the surveillance state, signing the law that renewed Section 702 in 2024(new window) (which we also covered).

In general, the US surveillance state has greatly expanded its scope, under both Democratic and Republican administrations. Because of this, we’re providing a comprehensive update on how government agencies, law enforcement, and corporations infringe on your data privacy and how you can take actions to protect yourself online.

What will Trump do about warrantless surveillance?

It’s hard to know exactly what President Trump will do when it comes to reforming or deploying warrantless surveillance. Candidate Trump spoke stridently about dismantling the surveillance state, even saying “KILL FISA(new window)” just before the US Congress renewed Section 702 with bipartisan support.

However, Tulsi Gabbard, Trump’s choice for the Director of National Intelligence, has already walked back her long-standing opposition to Section 702(new window). Furthermore, the intelligence community treats FISA and Section 702 in particular as “crown jewels(new window)” and has managed to secure their extension under both Democratic and Republican regimes.

Section 702 comes up for renewal again in 2026(new window), and we’ll be watching the developments surrounding it closely.

How the US warrantless surveillance machine can spy on you

Each level of US law enforcement, from federal intelligence agencies down to your local police department, has its own special back door that lets them collect your information without judicial review.

  • Most foreign intelligence agencies, like the NSA and CIA, are nominally barred from spying on US citizens or anyone in the USA but still end up collecting their data thanks to Section 702. This data is then compiled into one massive, searchable database.
  • The FBI can search Section 702 data, giving it access to data it would normally need a warrant for, and deploy national security letters that force organizations to give up limited info on their clients. 
  • The FBI, DHS agencies (which include Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Customs and Border Protection), and local law enforcement can all use geofencing, buy data from data brokers, monitor social media, use CCTV footage and facial surveillance technology in public spaces, and more.

Despite all these different programs, nearly all US surveillance has one thing in common: outsourcing. Big Tech is now an integral part of the US surveillance machine.

Big Tech must spy on behalf of the US government

The US government recognized that Big Tech and social media companies rely upon the endless surveillance of everyone, and they’re incredibly good at it. Except for TikTok, nearly all Big Tech and social media platforms are American, meaning they’re vulnerable to Section 702 requests and national security letters. Every post, photo you’ve shared or stored, or message you’ve sent (if you didn’t turn on end-to-end encryption) could be used by the government. Essentially, if Big Tech has access to your information, so does the US government.

Warrantless surveillance methods explained

Section 702 allows intelligence agencies to sweep up the information of thousands of US citizens every year.

Section 702

Section 702, part of the FISA Amendments Act(new window) from 2008, allows the US government to monitor foreign nationals outside the United States without a warrant; however, a “backdoor” permits warrantless surveillance to be extended to people in the US as well. The NSA, for example, can name a foreign national outside the US as the target. If that target speaks with a US citizen or someone in the US, their communications are collected too. The information of thousands of US citizens is collected this way each year. This data is then compiled into one massive database that the FBI can use. 

What data is vulnerable?

The contents of any communication, be it emails, texts, or phone calls(new window)

How it bypasses judicial review

Section 702 requests aren’t reviewed on an individual basis. Instead, each year intelligence agencies (such as the NSA or CIA) submit a “certification”(new window) to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) that explains the procedures they’ll use to collect data. Once the FISC approves an agency’s certification, it’s pre-authorized to conduct surveillance according to its self-described procedures.


Examples of the FBI inappropriately using the Section 702 database to access Americans’ information include searches into participants of the January 6 Capitol riots and the 2020 George Floyd protests(new window). Big Tech companies (Google(new window), Meta(new window), Apple(new window), and Microsoft(new window)) receive tens, sometimes hundreds of thousands of FISA requests each year. These requests aren’t categorized by type, so it’s impossible to know how many were done via court orders from the FISC or Section 702.

Geofencing warrants

Geofencing involves creating a virtual boundary around a specific area and obtaining data from all devices within that boundary during a given time frame. Law enforcement agencies have used geofencing warrants to gather location data from smartphones, often implicating people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

What data is vulnerable?

This collects device location data, and you might be surprised at how many apps and services collect this information. Google, which runs Android, is by far the most popular target (it received over 10,000 geofencing warrants(new window) in 2020), but Apple, Uber, Snapchat(new window), and other companies also regularly receive these types of warrants.

How it bypasses judicial review

Although geofencing warrants require a court order, the scope of these warrants lack specificity. Instead of targeting a known suspect, they sweep up data from anyone who happened to be in a given area, turning innocent bystanders into potential suspects.


Law enforcement used geofencing warrants to identify participants in the January 6 Capitol riots(new window) and Black Lives Matter protests(new window) by obtaining location data from their smartphones.

Data brokers let the government buy almost limitless data.

Purchase data from data brokers

Data brokers collect and aggregate massive amounts of personal data from trackers and services we use every day, like tech or credit card companies. They then sell this data, which can include location, browsing habits, health information, and more. The government can bypass legal requirements by purchasing this data directly from brokers instead of obtaining it through traditional legal channels.

What data is vulnerable?

Your devices, your apps, and the ad tech underpinning much of the internet collect an incredible amount of personal information, and data brokers compile all of it. Location data(new window), browsing activity(new window), your email address, health information, financial information, your face and fingerprints, and more are all vulnerable. 

How it bypasses judicial review

The government doesn’t need a warrant or subpoena to purchase data. This practice exploits a legal gray area where third-party data collection is considered separate from direct surveillance, even though the result is identical.


The number and scope of abuses are too broad and too numerous to account for fully. The NSA(new window), Treasury Department(new window), FBI(new window), Department of Homeland Security(new window), and Immigration and Customs Enforcement(new window) have all purchased data that they would otherwise need a warrant to collect.

National security letters are administrative subpoenas.

National security letters (NSLs)

NSLs are administrative subpoenas(new window) that compel institutions, such as banks, internet service providers, or libraries, to hand over sensitive client data without requiring judicial approval. These letters often come with gag orders, preventing companies from notifying individuals about the data request.

What data is vulnerable?

NSLs allow the FBI to obtain subscriber information(new window) for telephones and electronic communications, toll billing information, and electronic communication transaction records. They can also be used to get financial records from financial institutions.

How it bypasses judicial review

NSLs can be issued unilaterally by FBI special agents without any oversight from a judge as long as the information requested is relevant to national security.


Big Tech companies, like Google(new window), Meta(new window), Apple(new window), and Microsoft(new window), have been compelled to hand over user data in response to NSLs. While exact cases are often shrouded in secrecy, these tech giants receive hundreds, sometimes thousands, of NSLs a year.

How Proton protects your data

To secure your right to privacy, you must have both of the following:

  • Strong legal protections for personal information and policies that limit the government’s and businesses’ ability to access it.
  • Technological solutions that protect personal information from incidental and illegal seizure.

Proton is protected by strong Swiss privacy laws, such as Article 271 of the Swiss Criminal Code(new window). This forbids all Swiss companies from assisting foreign law enforcement, under threat of criminal penalty. All requests are evaluated under Swiss law by the Swiss government. This is a much higher standard of protection than US-based companies can offer. We also have a long track record of fighting (and winning) court cases to strengthen Swiss privacy laws.

Proton services use end-to-end encryption or zero-access encryption, which makes it impossible for anyone — including Proton — to see the content of your emails, files, photos, passwords, schedules, and more without your permission. This applies to Proton Mail, Proton Drive, Proton Pass, and Proton Calendar. If you use Proton VPN, you can shield your browsing history from ad tech and data brokers. Proton VPN encrypts your internet connection(new window) so the websites you visit cannot see your real IP address, and your internet service provider cannot see what websites you visit. Proton VPN’s NetShield Ad-blocker(new window) lets you block many ad-tech trackers that share your browsing history with data brokers.

Additionally, unlike Big Tech companies, which are only concerned about profits (and it’s always most profitable to serve those in power), Proton is primarily owned and controlled by the non-profit Proton Foundation. This legally obligates us to pursue our original mission and ensures we only act in the interest of the Proton community.

Moving to Proton will measurably help protect your information from US government overreach, but only massive legal reform can truly protect the right to privacy in the US.

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