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  • Privacy guides
Developing a threat model allows individuals and companies to assess their online privacy and security needs. We discuss what this means.
  • Privacy guides
Knowledge is power. Today, we're launching Privacy Decrypted, a new initiative to arm activists with essential knowledge.
Illstration using Proton Mail colors.
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Proton Mail was founded to build a better internet, and to protect activists, journalists, and ordinary people from online surveillance.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee
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Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web and advocate for the right to privacy, is joining Proton’s advisory board.
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We would like to provide important clarifications regarding the case of the climate activist who was arrested by French police.
  • Privacy guides
The Proton Mail encrypted email app ensures nobody but you can access your inbox. It automatically keeps your email safe, secure, and private.
  • Privacy guides
Open-source software makes its source code available to the public. Learn how open-source encryption creates transparency and protects your privacy.
zoom logo with spy cam
  • Privacy news
Zoom has agreed to an $85 million settlement after lying about its encryption and security standards. Here's how it affects you.
  • Opinion
We caught up with Carissa Véliz on the dangers of the data economy and the simple steps anyone can take to protect their privacy.
  • Opinion
Six bills were introduced in Congress that could rein in Big Tech and give people everywhere true choice and privacy online. We explain them.
  • Opinion
Surveillance-based advertising undermines people's privacy and encourages anti-competitive behavior. It is time for regulators to ban it.