
Free, encrypted, and secure cloud storage

With Proton Drive, you control your data

Up to 5 GB for free to store and share your files


  • Accounts
    >100 million
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  • Sediado na Suíça
  • Encrypted cloud storage for all your files

    Proton Drive's strong encryption goes beyond other secure cloud solutions.

    End-to-end encryption ensures that no one, not even us, can access your files. Files, file names, and folder names and more, are all fully encrypted at rest and in transit to your secure cloud.

    Swiss privacy

    Proton is based in Switzerland, which means your files are protected by some of the strictest privacy laws in the world. Proton Drive is a neutral and stable digital vault for your files.

    Open source

    We believe in trust through transparency. Proton Drive is open source, so anyone can verify that our encrypted cloud storage works as described. Proton Drive is also routinely audited for privacy and security by independent third-party experts.

    Built on freedom and privacy

    Choosing Proton Drive is a choice for a better internet. Proton Drive is part of a wider ecosystem of privacy-first products. By using Drive and our other products, you are helping to create an internet where people, not Big Tech, hold the power.

    Choose a cloud storage that puts your privacy first

    The safest way to share files

    Proton Drive's end-to-end encryption also works when sharing files and folders.

    Optional features like password protected files and expiring file sharing links enhance security even further. Best of all, there are no file size limits.

    Free secure file storage

    We believe everyone has the right to privacy. Our free cloud storage plan includes all the security and privacy features of our paid subscriptions. You can access more storage and support our fight for a better internet, by upgrading to a paid account.

    Why use Proton Drive?

    Proton Drive is a file storage solution that combines the convenience of the cloud with the privacy of a Swiss vault. With Proton Drive, you can easily access your data, while also benefiting from end-to-end encryption.

    Table comparing Proton against self-hosting and Big Tech
    FeaturesProtonSelf-HostingBig Tech

    Secure cloud storage that gives you complete control

    With Proton Drive, your files are accessible 24/7 from any device and secured with automatic backups in multiple datacenters. Your data remains safe even if you lose your phone or computer.

    Our end-to-end encryption means that unlike other cloud storage solutions, you don't have to share your most intimate files with a third party. Unlike Big Tech, Proton can't access your files. Your data remains fully owned and controlled by you.

    Proton Drive was built by the team behind Proton Mail, the world’s largest encrypted email service

    Over 100 million people and some of the world’s largest organizations have signed up with Proton.

    Take control of your files

    Organize and personalize your encrypted drive to make it your own.

    Customize your Swiss vault

    Just because Proton Drive is secure doesn’t mean it can’t look good as well. Choose your favorite layout and theme, including dark mode options.

    Encrypted file search

    All files in Proton Drive are end-to-end encrypted, but our unique encrypted search technology makes searching for encrypted files possible.

    Put passwords on your files and folders

    Proton is based in Switzerland, and your files are protected by Swiss privacy laws, which are among the strictest in the world.

    A secure vault for your memories

    Your files are more than just data. The photos and videos of time spent with your family and friends are a record of your life. These images, along with your other personal documents, deserve the highest protection and privacy.

    Proton Drive is a secure and encrypted Swiss vault for the favorite moments of your life.

    Encrypted storage for organizations

    Proton Drive secures the information of organizations all around the world. Our clients include journalists, activists, and businesses with high-security needs.
    Drive empowers you to securely store and share files within your organization while maintaining control over permissions and data access.

    Data stored on Drive is accessible only to your organization and those you share it with. Our end-to-end encryption means that even Proton cannot read the files stored in your organization’s Proton Drive account.

    Even if we suffered a data breach, your files would remain securely encrypted. Together with Proton Mail, Proton Calendar, and Proton VPN, Proton provides a powerful suite of privacy-focused services.

    Learn more about cloud storage


    What is cloud storage and how does it work?

    Unlike traditional forms of data storage (such as hard drives), cloud storage uses servers in off-site locations to store data, letting you access your files any time you want as long as you have a device that connects to the internet.


    Why use cloud storage?

    Even if you already use cloud storage for some things, you may benefit from additional privacy and use cases you might not have considered.


    Pros and cons of physical vs. cloud storage

    When you need to store digital files, you have two basic options: cloud storage and physical storage. Both types have advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we’ll briefly explore these.

    Your privacy is our first and only priority.

    The only people we are obligated to is you. We are the privacy company, pure and simple.

    Frequently Asked Questions