Proton Pass

Proton Pass - Privacy policy

Last modified: June 26th, 2023

This sub-policy is an integral part of the Proton Privacy Policy. It details the data processing activities specifically related to the creation and activity of your Proton Account when you use Proton Pass.

Account Activity: All data stored in Proton Pass, including credentials, passwords and notes, are end-to-end encrypted and Proton does not possess the ability to decrypt end-to-end encrypted data. Metadata is encrypted as well. In order for the alias forwarding option to function properly, alias addresses created in Proton Pass are not encrypted. These aliases are retained for as long as you don't delete them. This processing of data relies on the performance of our contract of Services.

If you use Proton Pass with an external email address, this address will be used as a basis for the creation of your aliases.

When sharing your vault with another user, you share your vault key, which is encrypted with your recipient’s address key, ensuring only they can access it.

Learn more about our encryption models in Proton Pass.

Data security: Data storage servers used in connection with the Proton Pass are wholly-owned and operated by Proton or our subsidiaries. Access to this infrastructure is tightly controlled: only employees of Proton have physical or other access to the servers. Data is always stored in encrypted format on our servers, which are exclusively located in Switzerland or Germany, under the protection of some of the world's strongest privacy laws. Offline backups, which may be stored periodically, are also encrypted. We cannot decrypt any user encrypted content on either the production servers or in the backups. Backups are kept for up to 30 days. If you use hide-my-email aliases provided by Proton Pass, some of that functionality is hosted on European cloud servers contracted through Proton's wholly-owned subsidiary SimpleLogin SAS, and not on infrastructure that is owned by Proton itself. Hide-my-email aliases only relay emails and do not store any emails.