
Import files from Google Drive to Proton Drive

1 minuto
Proton Drive
Using Proton Drive

By switching from Google Drive to Proton Drive, you can store and share files securely and with the confidence that no one can see your content but you and the people you choose.

Export files from Google Drive

1. Sign in to Google Drive and open finestra).

2: Click Deselect All.

A screenshot of Google Takeout settings

3. Scroll down to find Drive. Check the box next to it.

A screenshot of Google Drive inside Google Takeout

4. Scroll down and click Next step

5. Under Choose file type, frequency & destination, select the following:

  • Destination: Send download link via email.
  • Frequency: Export once (1 export).
  • File type: .zip.
  • File size: 2 GB.
A screenshot of Google Takeout export options

6. Click Create export

7. You should receive an email from Google Takeout, with the subject line “Your Google data is ready to download”. Download all the files in the email.

A screenshot of a list of downloads from Google Takeout

Note: A popup will show you which files are downloaded (marked as checked). In this example we downloaded all 7 files.

A screenshot of a list of confirmed downloads from Google Takeout

8. Unless your computer’s default settings have been changed, your files will download to your computer’s Downloads folder as a compressed file named takeout-[DATE].zip.

A screenshot of downloaded Google Takeout files

Add your files to Proton Drive

9. Download and install the Proton Drive desktop app for Windows or for Mac and sign in using your admin username and password..

10. Open Finder (Mac) or File Explorer (Windows) to drag and drop the downloaded .zip files from your Downloads folder to the Proton Drive folder.

A screenshot displaying a Google Takeout files being added to Proton Drive

11. Unzip the files in the Proton Drive folder. Here’s how to unzip files on Mac(nuova finestra) and Windows(nuova finestra).

A screenshot displaying a zipped Google Takeout files being opened in the Proton Drive desktop app

12. Your files are now securely stored in Proton Drive. You can now access, collaborate, and share them from your desktop application and finestra).