
How to deploy Proton Pass behind a company firewall

1 minuto
Proton Pass
Proton Pass for Business

If your company is using a firewall, you’ll need to whitelist our domains in order to access Proton Pass. The domains you’ll need to whitelist include:


Those domains are needed in order for Proton Pass to sync data across different devices. They all follow the latest security protocols and are exclusively used by Proton Pass and other Proton products.

Some enterprise firewalls are unable to use domain names to allowlisting, and instead require lists of IP addresses. While we don’t change these IP addresses regularly, it is not considered best practice to allowlist specific IPs. If the IPs you’ve allowlisted change, the end user experience behind that firewall would be equivalent to an outage.

If there are no other options, and IP allowlisting is a requirement, the full list of current IP addresses owned by Proton and announced by our ASN 62371, can be found independently in online IRR databases (i.e. RIPE(nuova finestra)).