ProtonBlog(new window)

Last Updated: September 22nd, 2014

Thank You!

Thank you for contributing to our Indiegogo campaign(new window). With your support, we can build the more private and secure internet of the future. To redeem your perks please follow the instructions below. If there are any questions not answered below, don’t hesitate to email us at

Instant & Priority Access

To get your accounts instantly, or to claim your spot in the front of our waiting list you need to do the following:

  1. Reserve a username and spot on our waiting list if you haven’t already done so already. Click here(new window) to do that. If you are already on our waiting list, you can skip to step 3.
  2. When you sign up for our waiting list make sure you use the same email that you used when you contributed to our campaign.
  3. If the email you provided to Indiegogo and when you signed up for our waiting list are different, please email us at so we can track down your account.
  4. Sometimes Proton Mail invitation emails can go into the spam folder. If you don’t get an invitation email from us within the timeframes specified below, please check your spam folder, or contact us at

Instant Access – You can expect your invite within 24-48 hours.
Priority Access – You can expect your invite within 1 week after the campaign ends. However, we predict we will actually be able to send out invites sooner than that.


If you’re one of the lucky few to grab a limited edition Proton Mail t-shirt you can expect an email from us personally before August 7th to confirm shirt sizing and shipping information. If you did not get the email with the T-shirt size survey, please contact us at T-shirts will be shipping around the end of September and will take 1-2 weeks for delivery.


We’d like to offer a special thank you to the many users world-wide who’ve donated to our cause with Bitcoin. Your contributions thus far have exceeded $10,000 and we’re happy to support and accept cryptocurrency. If you want to contribute with Bitcoin, you can find our Bitcoin address here(new window). Special thank you to the Bitcoin community at /r/Bitcoin(new window) for their support. If you contributed via Bitcoin, you are eligible for perks, just email us at with your details. Honor code applies.

Proton Mail+

When we end our beta phase your account will automatically upgraded to Proton Mail+ for either 1 year or permanently depending on the perk you selected. If your account is not upgraded for some reason, let us know at


For those of you who are as dedicated as we are to the idea of end-to-end encryption and it’s role in the future of the internet, you have our sincere thanks and gratitude. Each one of your contributions will sustain encrypted communications for hundreds of users worldwide. You will be eligible for an automatic upgrade to every premium feature we release in the future. You will also be invited to give feedback and vote on new features just like the visionary backers.

Lifetime contributors also get a special gift from CERN where the idea for Proton Mail was born. However, due to the August holidays in Switzerland, these will be delayed by a few weeks so we don’t expect to be able to ship them out until September. Since we are combining the T-shirts in the same shipment, the T-shirts will ship at the same time.


For our visionary supporters you can expect a personal email from our core team with in a few weeks after the campaign ends to offer our thanks, and to invite you into our inner circle to discuss new features for Proton Mail.

We’re stunned to have hit our funding goals in just 3 days, and we’re excited for the future of Proton Mail. Even though we have now hit our funding goal, there’s actually a lot more that we want to build, including mobile apps, support for custom domains, and encrypted file storage. Additional contributions past our goal will go a long way towards helping us develop those features. Thank you for making it happen!

Protégez votre vie privée avec Proton
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