
Vie privée, les fondamentaux

  • Vie privée, les fondamentaux
Since email was invented, it has become a crucial form of communication in our private and professional lives. Even with the growing popularity of other communication platforms, such as instant messaging and video conferencing, email continues to hol
Illustration of email encryption
  • Vie privée, les fondamentaux
若要暢遊網路世界,人們必須擁有電郵地址。要註冊成為YouTube、Facebook、Twitter、Reddit 用戶或使用其他線上服務,電郵都是您必填的資訊。電郵也是是我們辦理網銀業務、購物和進行商業交易的首要溝通媒介。因此,全球有超過一半的成年人是電子郵件用戶,人們也在電郵中提供了大量的個人資訊。 然而,電郵並不像大家所認知的那樣安全或私密。 電郵具有互通性,例如 Gmail 帳戶可以與 Yahoo 帳戶通信,Yahoo 帳戶可以與 Proton Mail 帳戶通信。 遺憾的是,這也意味著
Illustration of email encryption
  • Vie privée, les fondamentaux
You need an email address to exist at all in the online world. Signing up for YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or any other online service requires one. It’s also our go-to method of communication for online banking, purchasing, and business deals
  • Vie privée, les fondamentaux
This article has undergone a complete refresh, published on May 31, 2023. We removed Wickr  because AWS, its new owners, have withdrawn the product to focus on enterprise solutions. We also removed Keybase because it’s now owned by Zoom. We replaced
An illustration of protesters protecing their privacy.
  • Vie privée, les fondamentaux
  • Vie privée, approfondissements
From Hong Kong to Minneapolis, protesters around the world are standing up for their human rights. The right to peaceful assembly and protest are bedrocks of democracy, and we support everyone’s ability to exercise these rights. We created Proton Mai
  • Vie privée, les fondamentaux
Tout savoir sur les certificats TLS/SSL, ces fichiers numériques qui permettent d’authentifier et de sécuriser les transferts de données sur internet. Chaque fois que vous envoyez ou recevez des informations sur internet, elles passent par un réseau
Illustration of changing email provider
  • Vie privée, les fondamentaux
This article takes you through all the factors to consider when moving to a new email provider and leaving privacy-invasive companies such as Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo Mail. Switching your email provider may feel as difficult as moving to a new hous
An illustration of anonymized data.
  • Vie privée, les fondamentaux
Many companies that handle personal information reassure their users by saying that all the data is “anonymized.” If you don’t know any better, that sounds reassuring. However, the method most companies use to anonymize data and the size of modern d
  • Vie privée, les fondamentaux
  • Actualités vie privée
As the world is grappling with a sharp rise in the number of COVID-19 cases, fraudsters are trying to capitalize on the state of panic and even the goodwill of others. More than 1,400 coronavirus-related domains were registered over the past three m
Illustration of someone working from home.
  • Vie privée, les fondamentaux
  • Vie privée, approfondissements
Working from home is one of the many massive societal changes that COVID-19 has forced upon the world. Millions of people are now handling sensitive work data outside their office for the first time. It can be hard enough to keep data secure in the o
An illustration of different smart devices that make up the Internet of Things.
  • Vie privée, les fondamentaux
  • Vie privée, approfondissements
The Internet of Things has come a long way since the turn of the century when it was a buzzword used by futurists and entrepreneurs. Although not yet as ubiquitous as some predicted a decade ago, Internet-connected devices have crept into many aspect