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Proton Mail Android v1.11 illustrated by a fingerprint

With Proton Mail Android version 1.11, accessing your encrypted inbox is now faster and more secure. You now have the option to unlock the app with your fingerprint.

We are continuously working to make our apps easier to use for our community while maintaining the high-security standards you have come to expect from Proton projects. Allowing users to unlock the Proton Mail app with their fingerprint checks both boxes.

With this latest version of our Android app, users can now keep their inbox secure even if they lose their Android device.

Enable fingerprint unlock

  1. Go to Settings in the app
  2. Tap PIN. You will have to set a PIN as a backup in case your device’s fingerprint scanner cannot get a clean print.
  3. Once you have set a PIN, you can then tap the Use Fingerprint toggle, and you’re done!

Your app is protected from unauthorized access if you lose your device, and you do not need to enter your PIN each time to unlock your email.

Fingerprint unlock screenshot

Link confirmation

Another security improvement is our new link confirmation modal, which is now enabled by default on all our apps. This anti-phishing feature helps you avoid opening a link by mistake or going to a different page than you intended.

Link confirmation screenshot

Whenever you tap or click on a link inside a message, a popup window will appear with the full URL displayed. You can disable the link confirmation (new window)feature in your Settings.

Other improvements in the new version include view headers and the ability to change the in-app language in-app Settings. (Previously the language setting defaulted to the system language.)

We will continue to make our Android app more secure and easier to use, but we also want to hear what you think. If you have any questions or comments for the team, don’t hesitate to share them with us here.

Release Notes for Android v1.11

New features

  • Fingerprint unlock
  • View headers


  • Clicking on a link in a message generates a confirmation modal
  • Option to change the app language inside the app settings (previously, the app language was set by the device language)
  • Tapping on the phone icon in your contact details will open the phone app with the contact’s phone number already entered

Best regards,
The Proton Mail Team

You can get a free secure email (new window)account from Proton Mail.

We also provide a free VPN service(new window) to protect your privacy.

Proton Mail and Proton VPN are funded by community contributions. If you would like to support our development efforts, you can upgrade to a paid plan. Thank you for your support.

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