protonmail custom folders

Note: Due to the way we roll out new versions, Proton Mail 3.8 has not been released to everyone yet. If you do not see it yet, you will see it soon.

Note 2: If Proton Mail 3.8 causes your iOS or Android app to show all messages as encrypted text, logging out and logging back into the mobile app will fix the problem. Folders are also in Proton Mail mobile with version 1.6(new window) of our Android/iOS mobile apps.

Proton Mail was started with the idea of making encryption accessible to everyone. We are slowly but surely becoming an encrypted alternative to Gmail(new window). Organization is critical to effectively managing our daily communications through email. We continue to make this a priority within Proton Mail as we add folders to the existing organization toolset of labels, filters, and search.

Proton Mail does not show advertisements or abuse your privacy to make money. Paid accounts are our only source of funding. Please consider upgrading to a Proton Mail Plus(new window) account so that we can continue to operate the service and fund further development.

Custom Folders

protonmail folders(new window)

Folders provide the ability to store messages in different locations within your account. In the past, Proton Mail has had 5 fixed folders: Inbox, Sent, Archive, Trash, Spam. All the messages within your inbox was saved in one of these 5 folders, and they also appear in the All-Mail folder. In addition to these 6 folders, we provided labels to organize the mail within the folder the message was stored in.

With the introduction of custom folders, you can now create custom folders and store messages within those custom folders. You can learn more about creating and using folders here. The difference between Labels and Folders is the following: multiple Labels can be applied to a single message, but a message can only be in a single Folder.

Version 3.8 Full Release Notes

New Features

  • Custom Folders

  • New inbox loading indicator

  • New move actions inside message view dropdown

Bug Fixes

  • Some users unable to activate 2FA

  • Rendering autocomplete filters

  • Duplicate member creation if the address already exists

  • Don’t display sent notification if the message is sending

  • Duplicates shown inside the search autocomplete

  • Sidebar icons appearance


  • Attachment drag and drop in Safari

  • Label message

As always, your feedback is appreciated. Please report bugs using Proton Mail report bug feature(new window), or send us a support request here:

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