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Don’t be a phishing statistic: How to protect your business

Phishing statistics show that malicious emails are the most common threat to an organization’s security. The consequences can be extremely harmful to your business.

Given the alarming statistics on phishing attacks(new window), it’s clear that email security(new window) should be a top priority for your organization. Proton Mail makes it easier for teams to identify and report phishing emails thanks to a suite of technical innovations. For example, it’s not possible to spoof sender email addresses(new window) in messages between Proton Mail accounts. Additionally, emails from official Proton Mail addresses always come with an Official badge by default (hackers cannot do this).

Please contact our team(new window) if you have questions about phishing protections in Proton Mail.

Email phishing Infographic

Best Regards,
The Proton Mail Team

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Proton Mail and Proton VPN are funded by community contributions. If you would like to support our development efforts, you can upgrade to a paid plan(new window). Thank you for your support.

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