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Your calendar is more than just a planning tool — it’s a record of your life. It lists what you’ve done, where you’ve been, and who you’ve met. This information deserves the same level of protection as your email and files, which is why we created Proton Calendar. It lets you protect your schedule with the same end-to-end encryption Proton Mail uses to secure your messages

Earlier this year, we combined Proton services into a unified privacy ecosystem. This included building better integrations between Proton Mail and Proton Calendar, and launching Proton Drive. Today, we’re pleased to announce our latest release: the new Proton Calendar app for iPhone is now available for everyone.

You can now take your schedule with you while keeping it private.

Stay ahead of your schedule

The new Proton Calendar app for iPhone has everything you need to make the most out of your time:

  • View your calendar on the go
    Stay on top of your schedule right from your iPhone.
  • Secure your calendar with end-to-end encryption
    Your calendar contains all sorts of personal data — Proton Calendar keeps that information private by encrypting all your event details.
  • Set reminders that work for you
    Receive notifications before your events start and stay on time.
  • Never miss an event
    Events and invites are now automatically added to your calendar from your Proton Mail inbox when you receive them.
  • Available in light and dark mode
    View your schedule in light or dark mode.
  • Switch between views
    See your upcoming events as you like. Whether you prefer an Agenda or Day view, take a quick glance at what’s ahead.
  • In sync anywhere
    Proton Calendar automatically synchronizes across all your devices.

Make the switch to a calendar that is private by default

Whether you’ve scheduled an interview, a doctor’s appointment, or a meetup with friends, you control who gets access to that information, thanks to the same end-to-end encryption used in Proton Mail. 

To start using Proton Calendar, you can create a Proton Account for free. Once you’ve signed in, you can quickly import all your existing calendars using Easy Switch, or even subscribe to external calendars

Your events are automatically encrypted the moment they arrive in Proton Calendar, allowing you to keep track of your plans and appointments while keeping your data private. 

Share your feedback

At Proton, we are working for you, not for advertisers, governments, or other third parties that want access to your data. For this reason, the features we prioritize and build are entirely based on your feedback. Let us know on our social channels what features and improvements you’d like us to build — join the conversation on Reddit(new window), Twitter(new window), Instagram(new window), and Facebook(new window).

Thank you for your support. We look forward to improving the app and continuing to serve you.

Assurez la confidentialité de votre calendrier
Obtenir Proton Calendar gratuitement

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