
Update required

2 minut
Android app
iOS app
Proton Mail Bridge

Our developers regularly release software updates that improve the security, reliability, and user experience of Proton apps. Most of these updates are recommended, but are not strictly required.

On some occasions, however, we will release versions of our software that are required for all users. A required update means that any older versions of our apps will no longer work, and to continue using our service, all users need to update to the latest version available.

This article explains why required updates are necessary and how to complete an update when it is available.

Why we have required updates

We are constantly working to improve the all Proton’s apps, adding new features and fixing bugs from previous versions.

Many of these improvements are noticeable to users, while some are only apparent in the code the apps are built on. Apart from this, operating systems and browsers are also being updated and improved, which may require adjustments to our code.

Over time, these updates can affect Proton’s software. This can sometimes mean that the app becomes slower or functions no longer work as expected.

Periodically, we release a version of Proton apps that contain all the features and fixes up to that time, allowing us to discontinue old and unnecessary things.

These required updates allow us to deliver new features, improvements, and security patches to everyone.

How to update Proton apps

When a required update is available, you’ll receive a notification telling you that you must update. In the Proton Mail, Calendar, or Drive web apps, simply refresh the web page to get the latest version.

To update any of our Android apps, go to the Play Store and tap your account image (top right of screen) → Manage apps and deviceManageUpdates available and either tap Update all or locate just the relevant Proton app and tap the Update button next to it.

To update our iOS and iPadOS apps, go to the App Store and tap your account image (top right of screen). Scroll down to Upcoming automatic updates section and either tap Update All or locate just the relevant Proton app and tap the Update button next to it.

To update our desktop apps, follow the in-app instructions (or on Linux, use your distribution’s package manager to update the app).

To manually update Proton Mail Bridge, follow these instructions.