
Activity logs for Proton Pass for Business

3 min
Proton Pass for Business

If you have a Proton Pass Professional or Proton Business Suite administrator account, you can view your organization members’ activity logs. This provides visibility over all activity in your organization members’ Proton Pass accounts, such as any changes made to passwords and vaults. In short, activity logs will help you monitor who did what, when, and where (specifically, the IP address the activity originated from).

In this article, we’ll show you how to access your organization members’ activity logs and provide an overview of the events that are logged.

If your organization is on a Pass Essentials plan, you can upgrade to access this feature. To do this, click here and sign in using your Proton Pass for Business username and password.

How to access activity logs

To access your organization members’ activity logs:

1. Sign in to window) using your Proton Pass for Business username and password and click Admin panel.

Go to your admin panel

2. Go to Proton PassActivity log. Here, you can see the Time an event happened, the organization’s User account that it happened on, the type of Event (see below), and the IP address the activity originated from.

See activity logs for your organization mebers

You can filter the logs by email or IP address, event type, and date range. You can also click on a time or event entry to filter by that timestamp or event type.

Filter the logs

Click Download to export the logs as a comma-separated CSV file (with any active filters applied).

Export the logs as a CSV file

Activity log events

The following event types are logged.

Invites to your organization

These events relate to invitations to join your Proton Pass for Business organization.

Invite CreatedAn invite to your organization has been created
Invite AcceptedAn invite to your organization has been accepted
Invite DeletedAn invite has been deleted
Invite RejectedAn invite recipient has not accepted the invite

New user invites

New User Invite CreatedA new user has been invited to your organization
New User Invite DeletedA new user invite has been deleted


An item is any login or password, alias, card, or note stored in Pass.

Item CreatedA new item has been created
Item UpdatedAn item has been updated
Item UsedAn item has been used
Item ReadAn item has been read
Item DeletedAn item has been deleted
Item TrashedAn item has been sent to Trash


A vault in Proton Pass is an encrypted digital container that contains your items.

Vault CreatedA vault has been created
Vault DeletedA vault has been deleted

Email breach monitor

Your organization members can add custom email addresses that our Pass Monitor feature will scan the dark web for and alert you if they’re involved in any data breaches.

Learn how to use a custom domain with Proton Mail

Breach Custom Email CreatedA custom email has been added in Pass Monitor to be monitored
Breach Custom Email ValidatedWe’ve verified that this email address belongs to the organization member who added it
Breach Custom Email DeletedAn email has been removed from Pass Monitor

Shared vaults

Vaults can be shared with anyone with a Proton Pass account. Learn how to share vaults using the Proton Pass:

Share CreatedA vault has been shared
Share DeletedA shared vault has been deleted
Share UpdatedA shared vault has been updated

Secure links

Secure link sharing allows you to share Proton Pass items (including individual logins, credit card details, and notes) with anyone, even if they don’t use Proton Pass.

Learn more about secure link sharing on the Proton Pass:

Secure Link CreatedA secure link has been created
Secure Link DeletedA secure link has been deleted
Secure Link ReadA secure link has been read