
How to create or edit CSV files

2 min
Import, add and merge contacts

Proton Mail can import contacts into your Proton Mail account from CSV and VCARD (.vcf) files, and export them as VCARD files.

Spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, LibreOffice Calc, and Numbers for macOS, make it easy to create and edit CSV files for importing into Proton Mail.

Your CSV file should be formatted as a table and must include a header, or first line, that defines the fields in your table. Proton Mail accepts many common header fields (name, email address, etc.).

If you’re updating an existing file, you probably won’t need to change your header field names. Alternatively, you can create a new CSV file in any spreadsheet program (such as Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice Calc, Google Sheets, or Apple Numbers).

Once you have entered the header field names and your contact details, simply save the document as a CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv) file type.

You can also download an example CSV file(nieuw venster), which you can tailor to meet your individual needs using the guidance provided below.

Name of field in Proton ContactsValid header field names
Display namefirst name, middle name, last name
Email addressese-mail address, e-mail 2 address, e-mail 3 address, email, alternate email 1, alternate email 2, primary email, secondary email
Phone numbers tel, other phone, radio phone, home phone, yahoo phone, home phone 2, primary phone, voice, work phone, company main phone, business phone, business phone 2, telephone work, mobile, mobile number, mobile phone, x-mobile, fax, fax number, home fax, business fax, other fax, telex, pager, pager number, car phone
Addressesaddress 1, address 2, city, state, zipcode, zip, postal code, country, countryregion
Other information (Geo)geolocation, location
Other information  (Organization)company, organization, department
Other information (Birthday)birthday, birth year, birth month, birth day
Other information  (Title)title, job title, jobtitle
Other information  (Member)member, group membership
Other information  (Note)notes, note
Other information (URL)url, web page, personal website, business website, website, web page 1, web page 2, personal web page
Other information  (nickname)nickname, display name, screen name
Other information (Geo)geolocation, location
Other information (Misc)photo, anniversary, role, gender, language, timezone, logo

Adding and importing contacts

Please see our article on Adding and importing contacts for instructions on how to import your CSV file into Proton Mail. Our import wizard now allows you to manually adjust or set the CSV header fields to match the VCard header fields that Proton Mail uses.