
Noticias sobre privacidad

  • Noticias sobre privacidad
Last week, the Investigatory Powers Bill (IPB) was approved by the UK Parliament and now only awaits an inevitable royal approval before it becomes law.
trump and nsa logo
  • Noticias sobre privacidad
Earlier this week, Donald Trump won a stunning election victory that will put him in charge of the world's most powerful mass surveillance infrastructure.
  • Noticias sobre privacidad
As a result of a recent secret US government directive, Yahoo was forced to scan all Yahoo Mail accounts at the request of the NSA and FBI.
  • Noticias sobre privacidad
Yahoo today confirmed a massive breach of over 500 million email accounts. This is a major security incident that also impacts some Proton Mail users.
CISA Surveillance Law
  • Noticias sobre privacidad
Na sexta-feira passada, o Congresso americano e o presidente Obama assinaram a Lei de Vigilância CISA usando métodos desleais.
Swiss surveillance referendum
  • Noticias sobre privacidad
We are happy to announce that, due to the efforts of our users and allies, the Swiss Surveillance Law will be put to a vote by the Swiss people
CISA Surveillance Law
  • Noticias sobre privacidad
Late last Friday, the US Congress and President Obama signed into law the CISA Surveillance Law using very underhanded methods.
Swiss surveillance law
  • Noticias sobre privacidad
In September of this year, the Swiss Parliament passed the new Swiss surveillance law, known as the Nachrichtendienstgesetz (NDG) in German
  • Noticias sobre privacidad
This a guest blog post by Mazin Ahmed, an external security expert who has helped test and audit Proton Mail. We hope it will educate our readers about web security.
  • Noticias sobre privacidad
A lot of good has certainly resulted from the Internet revolution, but one important freedom that has been threatened in the process is our right to privacy