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The Proton Mail Import-Export application beta is now available to all paid users

UPDATE: the Import-Export app is now out of beta. You can find more information and download the app here(new window).

We’re excited to announce the beta release of the Import-Export app, which is one of the most-requested features in our community feedback forum(new window). With this tool, you can import your entire mailbox directly from another email account, such as Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook, or upload email files stored on your computer. You can also export emails from your Proton Mail account to your hard drive for secure backup.

We have been testing the Import-Export app with Visionary and Lifetime plans, and we are now ready to open up the beta app to all paid plans.

How to use the Import-Export app

Starting today, all users with Plus, Professional, Visionary, and Lifetime accounts can download the Import-Export app.

Windows users can download the app here.

MacOS users can download the app here.

Once you have installed the app, you can follow the instructions to import(new window) and export(new window) emails. To import emails from another email service provider, you will have to ensure your account is configured to allow IMAP access(new window) (don’t worry, it only takes a minute).

If you have questions about using the app, you can check our Knowledge Base section on Import-Export(new window) or get in touch with our Support team.

Great for individuals and businesses

For businesses, strong encryption is one of the best ways to harden your organization against cyberattacks, achieve many of the technical compliance requirements of the GDPR(new window) and HIPAA(new window), and show your clients that you take data protection seriously. The Import-Export app makes switching to encrypted email much simpler. With just a few quick steps, you can migrate your entire organization to Proton Mail. During import, emails are automatically zero-access encrypted(new window), meaning Proton Mail never has access to your messages. The export function can help you securely back up your files for retention and archiving.

For individual users, many of these same benefits apply: You can now leave your non-private email service behind and decrease your risk of being impacted by a security breach. Additionally, if you are reaching the storage limit on your account, you can export emails from your account to clear up space without having to delete them.

Why is Import-Export a paid feature?

At Proton Mail, our mission is to make email privacy and security accessible to everyone. As some users have pointed out, the decision to make the Import-Export app available only to paying users seems to conflict with our mission. In fact, if we have the capacity, we will open up Import-Export to all users, but we first need to ensure this new feature will not overload our servers. We will update the community with more information about the possible expansion of this feature.

We want your feedback!

When a new feature is in beta testing, we rely on your feedback to help improve our product. If you find any problems or have suggestions for improvements, you can get in touch with our Support team by following these simple instructions for web(new window) and mobile(new window) devices, or connect on our social media pages listed below.

Thank you for helping us build the future of email.

You can get a free secure email account from Proton Mail.

We also provide a free VPN service(new window) to protect your privacy.

Proton Mail and Proton VPN are funded by community contributions. If you would like to support our development efforts, you can upgrade to a paid plan. Thank you for your support!

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