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The biggest tech companies in the world are quietly lobbying the governments of 14 countries to grant them legal protection from any regulatory oversight. Few people are aware of Big Tech’s plans, shrouded in the secrecy of trade negotiations for th
Swiss laws and encryption protect Proton users from abortion-related data requests
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The United States is notoriously weak on privacy laws. With its secret surveillance courts and all-powerful spy agencies, the US has many tools to collect data on people within its jurisdiction and beyond. Recently, that power has been used to prose
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L’année 2022 a été marquée par de sévères licenciements dans les grandes entreprises technologiques, une possible interdiction de TikTok aux États-Unis, suivie début 2023 d’une nouvelle fuite de données chez Twitter. Mais le fait le plus marquant de
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Hackers were able to steal account details from over 200 million Twitter users and posted the database on a hacking forum in early January 2023. These details include users’ email addresses and Twitter handles, allowing people to potentially identify
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L’une des plus grandes histoires de la tech en 2022 n’a pas fait les gros titres, mais elle pourrait bien montrer la direction que prennent les géants de la tech. Elle provient de documents qui ont fait l’objet d’une fuite chez Facebook en avril, pui
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Pendant des années, Apple a regardé Google et Meta gagner des milliards en collectant les moindres données des internautes pour les cibler avec des publicités. Il semble aujourd’hui que l’entreprise prenait des notes. Le fonctionnement publicitaire
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This week, Google agreed to settle a lawsuit brought by 40 US states for $391.5 million. Law enforcement officials in those states said the company had secretly tracked the locations of Android users who thought their location tracking was turned off
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Although Proton’s mission has always revolved around privacy, we’ve also spent a lot of time pushing for a more level playing field online. This isn’t by accident. The future of privacy depends on society’s ability to adopt an alternative vision of t
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Le navigateur intégré à l’application TikTok peut suivre chaque bouton ou lien sur lequel vous appuyez et chaque touche de clavier que vous saisissez, selon Felix Krause, chercheur en protection de la vie privée. Cela va plus loin que la collecte de
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  • Actualités Proton
Updated October 10, 2022 The Proton community trusts us to keep their information secure and private, and we take this trust seriously. That is why we are excited to announce that we will continue working with Bug Bounty Switzerland as part of our b
Privacy and the metaverse
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  • Actualités vie privée
On October 28, 2021, Facebook announced the rebranding of its parent company from Facebook to Meta. Since then, the term “metaverse” has been a hot topic of discussion.  From facial expressions to biometric data, the metaverse has the potential to c