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- Aggiornamenti dei prodotti
- Proton Mail
World's largest secure email service allows open signups for the first time
since 2014 and releases mobile apps.
- Aggiornamenti dei prodotti
We have now released Proton Mail version 3.1.4 which brings two important
Na sexta-feira passada, o Congresso americano e o presidente Obama assinaram a
Lei de Vigilância CISA usando métodos desleais.
For the first time, you can now use your own domain name with Proton Mail. This
means emails sent to/from yourname@yourdomain.com can go through Proton Mail and
benefit from end-to-end encryption.
- News di Proton
Proton Mail 3.0 comes by default with a new theme, but for those who prefer the
original Proton Mail look, the Classic Theme is still available.
- News di Proton
In preparation for the upcoming release of custom domains, we have released two
new versions of the Proton Mail encrypted email mobile applications.

- News di Proton
Update: we are using SwissSign AG as the certificate authority to issue our
SSL/TLS certificate.
- News sulla privacy
We are happy to announce that, due to the efforts of our users and allies, the
Swiss Surveillance Law will be put to a vote by the Swiss people
- News sulla privacy
Late last Friday, the US Congress and President Obama signed into law the CISA
Surveillance Law using very underhanded methods.
- News sulla privacy
In September of this year, the Swiss Parliament passed the new Swiss
surveillance law, known as the Nachrichtendienstgesetz (NDG) in German
- Guide sulla privacy
Last month, secure email came under DDoS attack, this is how we added DDoS
protection to Proton Mail.