ProtonBlog(new window)

We are happy to announce the release of Proton Mail v1.07. As usual, please completely clear your browser cache(new window) to make sure you load the latest version of Proton Mail.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where using certain display names could result in a HTTP 500 error being thrown when attempting to view the inbox [contributed by John Whelan, SalesForce]

New Features

  • It is now possible to change the mailbox password.
  • The monthly message limit on all accounts has been increased to 1000.
  • Inbox menu layout optimized.

Known Issues

  • Multiple attachments not properly supported.
  • Mobile and Tablet not yet fully supported.
  • Attachments are not encrypted.

Security Fixes

  • XSS in the request invite page triggered by ‘>()’. Impacted versions: <=1.05 [contributed by Maxim Rupp,]
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