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google search risk
  • Actualizaciones del producto
  • Proton Mail
For nearly a year, Google was suppressing Proton Mail from search results for our primary keywords. This episode illustrates that Search Risk is serious and potentially fatal for small businesses.
encrypted email survey
  • Noticias de Proton
Participate now in Proton Mail's 2016 Encrypted Email User Survey. The Proton Mail project roadmap for the next year is determined by our annual survey.
  • Noticias sobre privacidad
As a result of a recent secret US government directive, Yahoo was forced to scan all Yahoo Mail accounts at the request of the NSA and FBI.
  • Noticias sobre privacidad
Yahoo today confirmed a massive breach of over 500 million email accounts. This is a major security incident that also impacts some Proton Mail users.
Proton Mail Lovie Awards
  • Noticias de Proton
Proton Mail’s encrypted email service was recently selected by the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences as a Finalist for the 2016 Lovie Awards.
  • Noticias de Proton
Proton Mail is not vulnerable to the recently announced Linux TCP Vulnerability. Earlier this week, a serious Linux TCP Vulnerability was disclosed by researchers.
OpenPGPjs email encryption library
  • Actualizaciones del producto
  • Proton Mail
OpenPGPjs is the world's most popular JavaScript PGP email encryption library and is used by millions of end users and hundreds of developers.
protonmail spam filtering
  • Actualizaciones del producto
  • Proton Mail
One of the biggest challenges at Proton Mail is doing effective spam filtering with encrypted emails.
Proton Mail Android Secure Email App
  • Noticias de Proton
Proton Mail Android v1.3.2 new features and fixes.
meet the protonmail support team
  • Actualizaciones del producto
  • Proton Mail
We believe a technology cannot be great without excellent support. Meet the people who are supporting the Proton Mail Community.
protonmail launch
  • Actualizaciones del producto
  • Proton Mail
As of 12:30PM Geneva time, Proton Mail iOS and Android apps are available worldwide. Proton Mail is officially out of beta now and we are allowing open signups.