With appeals to “national security,” governments around the world are pushing
for encryption backdoors that would allow them to break into the secure data of
suspected criminals. Simply put, this is a terrible idea.
Encrypted email can help you comply with privacy laws, limit the risk of hacks
and data breaches, and improve your company’s overall online security strategy.
Recent news reports regarding “eFail” have contained significant errors
regarding the security of PGP email encryption. It is necessary to correct the
Some of your most sensitive data sit on the cloud, on the servers of Internet
service providers. Zero-access encryption gives you control over your data
Recently, news broke about potential vulnerabilities in PGP, dubbed Efail.
However, despite reports to the contrary, PGP is not actually broken, as we will
explain in this post.
ProtonMail's encryption and SESTA-FOSTA has severe implications for
communications privacy of sex workers. Proton Mail's encryption and Swiss
jurisdiction provides strong privacy safeguards.
We’re happy to announce the strongest encryption algorithm ever conceived:
Delete-Everything Verifiably Null Universally Lossy Logarithm, or DEVNULL for