
Browsers and cookies

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    How to enable JavaScript

    JavaScript must be enabled in your browser for Proton Mail to work correctly,. In this article, we show you how to enable JavaScript in all major browsers.

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    Recommended browsers

    Proton Mail has been fully tested and works well with most modern browsers. But we only recommend browsers that also respect your privacy.

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    Web Cryptography API

    Proton Mail requires a browser that supports the Web Cryptography API in order to secure your data. We explain what Web Crypto is.

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    Turn off Private Browsing (iOS Safari)

    Learn how to turn Private Browsing on and off in iOS Safari. Private Browsing can block cookies that are needed to implement Proton Mail's encryption.

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    Accessing onion sites in Firefox

    Proton Mail provides email access over the Tor network through our onion site at https://protonirockerxow.onion. If you are connected to Tor and using Firefox, there is another step you may have to follow to be able to access onion sites.

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    Proton Mail’s TLS/SSL Certificate

    Proton Mail uses Let's Encrypt as its certificate authority. This article describes the steps to verify our certificate for various browsers.

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    How to clean cache and cookies

    Both the browser cache and cookies can cause minor issues when using Proton Mail. In this article, we show you how to clean them in all major browsers.

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    Why is Proton warning me that my device’s clock is wrong?

    Proton services use the time on your device to verify that keys and signatures are still valid. This helps ensure your files stay secure.

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    4. Browsers and cookies

    How to setup encrypted email over Tor

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    How to access Proton Mail in Private Browsing (Incognito) mode

    Learn how to use Private Browsing (also known as Incognito) mode in your browser to access Proton Mail more privately.

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    Allowing sessionStorage

    Allowing session storage on most used browsers Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE

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    Screen not loading in iPhone (iOS) (“Absolute Security – requires modern web browser”)

    Troubleshooting errors using Proton Mail in iOS browsers (Safari, etc)

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    Proton Mail generates random numbers in several places to secure your account. Learn why you need PRNG to use Proton Mail.

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    4. Browsers and cookies

    Connection is Not Secure Warning

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    4. Browsers and cookies

    Why do you need JavaScript, sessionStorage, and cookies?

    Proton Mail and Proton VPN require JavaScript, sessionStorage, and cookies to ensure the security and privacy of your data.

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    3. Security and privacy
    4. Browsers and cookies

    How to enable cookies

    One of the requirements for using Proton Mail on some browser is enabling cookies. Learn how to enable cookies for easy usage of Proton Mail

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