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- Produkt-Updates
- Proton Mail
Free email accounts - now with open source code!
- Produkt-Updates
- Proton Mail
World's largest secure email service releases version 2.0 under open source
- Neuigkeiten von Proton
Themes are being revamped, so stay tuned for updates regarding themes in Proton
Mail 3.0.
- Produkt-Updates
- Proton Mail
ProtonMail's front end encryption is completely open source and uses the
OpenPGPjs library.
- Produkt-Updates
- Proton Mail
Guide to all the new Proton Mail's features.
- Neuigkeiten zur Privatsphäre
This a guest blog post by Mazin Ahmed, an external security expert who has
helped test and audit Proton Mail. We hope it will educate our readers about web
- Neuigkeiten von Proton
Proton Mail was invited at Swissnex San Francisco!
- Neuigkeiten von Proton
One year ago, we launched Proton Mail Beta to bring easy to use private email to
the world. We never imagined that our project would gather so much support from
all around the world. Thanks to you, Proton Mail has grown incredibly in the
past year. T
- Produkt-Updates
- Proton Mail
High security email service dramatically accelerating development to meet
immense demand.
- Neuigkeiten von Proton
We're happy to announce that Proton Mail has secured a second financing round of
$2M USD from Charles River Ventures (CRV) and the Fondation Genevoise pour
l'Innovation Technologique (FONGIT).
- Neuigkeiten von Proton
With Proton Mail v1.14, our homepage gained a completely a new, fresh look. As
with everything we do, the new design was largely driven by user feedback.