
Combine or delete account

    1. Support
    2. Proton Account
    3. Manage account
    4. Combine or delete account

    Inactive accounts

    If you have a Proton Free plan, you must log in and use any Proton service once a year to maintain your account. Learn more.

    1. Support
    2. Proton Account
    3. Manage account
    4. Combine or delete account

    How to delete your Proton Account

    Learn how to delete a Proton Account. This will permanently delete all your data, and you'll lose access to all Proton services.

    1. Support
    2. Proton Account
    3. Manage account
    4. Combine or delete account

    How to connect an existing SimpleLogin account to a Proton Account

    SimpleLogin is part of the Proton encrypted ecosystem. Find out how to link your existing SimpleLogin account to your Proton Account.

    1. Support
    2. Proton Account
    3. Manage account
    4. Combine or delete account

    How to combine multiple Proton Accounts

    Premium users can manage multiple accounts from one mailbox. Learn how to combine your Proton Mail accounts.

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