

Privacy wins 2021
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  • Neuigkeiten zur Privatsphäre
Von der Einführung neuer datenschutzorientierter Tools bis hin zur Verabschiedung neuer Datenschutzgesetze - hier sind die 10 größten Datenschutzgewinne aus 2021.
Access Now interview
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Wir haben mit Marianne Díaz Hernández von Access Now über die Wichtigkeit gesprochen, der zunehmenden Welle von Internet-Abschaltungen weltweit Einhalt zu gebieten.
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EU lawmakers have begun deliberations on the DMA before the final vote. Here is what they must add to make it more effective.
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We caught up with Carissa Véliz on the dangers of the data economy and the simple steps anyone can take to protect their privacy.
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Six bills were introduced in Congress that could rein in Big Tech and give people everywhere true choice and privacy online. We explain them.
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Surveillance-based advertising undermines people's privacy and encourages anti-competitive behavior. It is time for regulators to ban it.
An illustration of the EU addressing default apps with the DMA
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Big Tech companies make their apps the default on mobile devices to dominate the market. The DMA should give you the right to choose your own default apps.
An illustration of Proton Mail's multiple layers of security
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The Microsoft Exchange hack might be one of the worst breaches of all time. We look at what went wrong and how to better prevent email breaches.
An illustration of Big Tech governing speech through its power as a monopoly.
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Big Tech monopolies have too much control over what can exist on the internet. To preserve democracy, we need to break these monopolies up.
An illustration of four locks.
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Gemeinsam mit Threema, Tresorit und Tutanota veröffentlichen wir eine gemeinsame Erklärung, in der wir die EU auffordern, jedes Verbot oder jeden Angriff auf die Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung abzulehnen.
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Roughly 90% of Brits worry about keeping their online data private. We explain what you need to do to truly protect your online data.