News sulla privacy
Il nuovo Proton unisce i nostri servizi in un unico ecosistema per la privacy
che include email crittografata, Calendar e Drive.
- News sulla privacy
Unisciti a Proton, Fight for the Future, DuckDuckGo e altri nell'invitare i
legislatori statunitensi a rendere internet un campo di gioco equo.
- Opinione
- News sulla privacy
Dall'introduzione di nuovi strumenti incentrati sulla privacy all'approvazione
di nuove leggi sulla privacy dei dati, ecco i 10 principali successi in materia
di privacy nel 2021.
- News sulla privacy
Nearly 90% of Britons are concerned about the privacy of their personal data
online, but 20% don’t use any data protection practices at all.
- News sulla privacy
A Swiss court has ruled that Proton Mail, as an email service, is not a
telecommunications provider, meaning we are not subject to a telecommunications
provider’s enhanced data retention obligations.
- News sulla privacy
Zoom has agreed to an $85 million settlement after lying about its encryption
and security standards. Here's how it affects you.
- News sulla privacy
The DMA is a set of proposed rules from the European Commission aiming to
curtail Big Tech’s exploitative practices and make the internet more
- News sulla privacy
WhatsApp is forcing its users to share their metadata with Facebook. Privacy
requires not just strong technical solutions, but a sound business model.
Le grandi aziende tecnologiche hanno trovato modi per ricavare sempre più
entrate pubblicitarie dai loro utenti. Il segreto? Monitorano le tue attività su
tutto il web.
- News sulla privacy
The US House subcommittee investigation of tech monopolies confirms the
arguments we have made for years. Antitrust enforcement is essential for
- News sulla privacy
The EU Court of Justice ruled EU law applies when governments force
telecommunication providers to process data, making it harder to perform mass