
Privacy guides

How to delete all photos from Google Photos
  • Privacy guides
Using Google Photos to store and share your pictures means allowing the company to see, analyze, and process them. Many people concerned about their privacy have taken steps to move away from the Google ecosystem, despite the company’s efforts to hid
  • Privacy guides
Bitcoin is an innovative payment network that leverages peer-to-peer transactions to remove the need for a central bank. Bitcoin has revolutionized the core principles of value exchange by showing that a network of fully independent nodes can operate
  • Privacy guides
Your online data is no longer just used for ads but also for training AI. Google uses publicly available information to train its AI models, raising concerns over whether AI is even compatible with data protection laws. People are worried companies
  • Privacy guides
iPhone stores passwords in iCloud Keychain, Apple’s built-in password manager. It’s convenient but has some drawbacks. A major issue is that it doesn’t work well with other platforms, making it hard for Apple users to use their passwords and passkeys
is Google Docs secure
  • Privacy guides
Your online data is incredibly valuable, particularly to companies like Google that use it to make money through ads. This, along with Google’s numerous privacy violations, has led many to question the safety of their information and find alternative
  • Privacy guides
Struggling to keep track of all your passwords? You’re not the only one. Password managers exist because it’s difficult to keep track of hundreds of logins and all their various passwords. It’s likely you have saved passwords on your devices for conv
  • Privacy guides
Cyberattacks aren’t always executed through sophisticated methods like man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks on public WiFi. Sometimes, they rely on something as simple as looking over your shoulder.  Shoulder surfing attacks are when someone watches you
  • Privacy guides
Your online data is valuable. While it might feel like you’re browsing the web for free, you’re actually paying marketing companies with your personal information. Often, even when you pay for services, these companies still collect and profit from y
  • Privacy guides
Password spraying attacks pose a major risk to individuals and organizations as a method to breach network security by trying commonly used passwords across numerous accounts. This article explores password spraying attacks, explaining their methods
  • Privacy guides
A secure password is your first defense against unauthorized access to your personal information. While there are tools that generate strong passwords, remembering these complex combinations can become a challenge. Even if you use mnemonic devices,
  • Privacy guides
If you’re comparing different password managers or researching password security, you’ll quickly run into terms like hashing and salting. While these terms might sound like steps you take to make breakfast potatoes, they’re actually processes that ar