
For business

  • For business
Email is the primary attack vector for hacking and fraud, and the situation is only getting worse. From 2017 to 2018, email-based attacks on businesses increased 476%, according to the most recent threat survey by the cybersecurity firm Proofpoint.
  • For business
Many small businesses don’t have the time or resources to invest in IT security, which is why cyber-criminals love to attack them. And the cost of being unprepared is enormous. According to security outfit Kaspersky’s, a single cyberattack on small
  • For business
Small businesses are big targets for hackers, but they still aren’t prepared. Data breaches that make the news usually involve massive corporations with vast datasets. But small businesses must also prevent cyberattacks and data breaches, and most d
  • For business
Small business cybersecurity is often overlooked, either due to a lack of expertise or funding. This is a mistake. Cyberattacks are costly to mitigate but potentially more costly to recover from after they occur. There are two things cybercriminals
  • For business
The Internet allows businesses of any size to work and reach markets around the world. Unfortunately, this potential for increased productivity and profitability is tempered by the security risks that the Internet presents. The fact is that cybersecu
  • For business
The single biggest threat to your business’s online security is malicious emails. As owners and managers, it’s up to you to require email security best practices among your employees and institute a security-minded culture within your organization.
  • For business
Organizations operating in the healthcare industry are continuously under pressure to use resources as efficiently as possible. They must provide innovation in patient care products and services while complying with increasingly stringent privacy and
gdpr email security compliance
  • For business
New regulations always create compliance-induced headaches for companies. But in this case, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (the GDPR) presents an enormous opportunity for businesses to improve their digital security. Encrypt