
Privacy guides

What is Sender Policy Framework (SPF)?
  • Privacy guides
Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email authentication method that verifies that a message has been sent from an authorized mail server. Learn how it works and how it helps to protect your email domain. Used with DKIM and DMARC, SPF is one of the
  • Privacy guides
Many of us use the cloud on a daily basis, sometimes without even realizing it. Backing up photos from your phones, sharing files with friends, and working on shared documents are all examples of cloud computing. While the cloud has revolutionized th
What is DKIM?
  • Privacy guides
DKIM is an email authentication method that verifies that a message hasn’t been tampered with in transit. Learn how it works and why you need it to protect your email domain. Along with the other main email authentication methods, SPF and DMARC, DKI
  • Privacy guides
Email privacy means keeping your messages safe from prying eyes at all times, but most email providers aren’t private. Learn how private email can help protect you against hackers, government spies, and Big Tech’s pervasive invasion of your privacy.
  • Privacy guides
Passwords are a necessity of the online world. They are one of the most important means of securing your digital life, preventing hackers and anyone else from accessing your bank account, email, social media accounts, and everything else you do onlin
how to check email attachment is safe
  • Privacy guides
Email attachments may contain malware that criminals trick you into downloading, often leading to identity theft, credit card fraud, or other cybercrime. Here’s how to check if an attachment is safe. In 2022, over 300,000 people in the US lost more
  • Privacy guides
If you’ve ever uploaded a file or a video online to share with someone, chances are you’ve used a cloud storage service.  Unlike traditional forms of data storage (such as hard drives), cloud storage uses servers in off-site locations to store data,
  • Privacy guides
Phishing scams try to trick you into revealing sensitive data or downloading malware, often leading to identity theft, credit card fraud, or other cybercrime. Learn all about phishing and how to prevent it. With billions of phishing emails sent dail
how to stop email trackers
  • Privacy guides
Around 50% of all emails contain trackers that spy on your email activity — over 160 billion messages sent every day. Here’s how they work and how to block them. Working silently in the background, email trackers not only monitor how you respond to
  • Privacy guides
With over 33 million registered users and more than 100,000 business customers, LastPass is one of the world’s most popular password managers. After an escalating series of highly-damaging disclosures over the last few months, LastPass has now admitt
what are email headers
  • Privacy guides
Email headers are the hidden part of emails containing vital information to identify and authenticate messages. Learn how to read them to spot spam and stay secure. Have you received an unexpected email from a strange address? Is it actually from so