
Privacy guides

send large files securely
  • Privacy guides
Most email services aren’t secure and limit attachment file sizes, but there are ways to send large files securely. If you’ve ever tried attaching multiple images or video files to an email, you’ll know that it doesn’t always work. We explain ways t
  • Privacy guides
Email wasn’t initially designed to be secure. From spam and phishing attempts to malware, unethical marketers and cybercriminals try to undermine the security and privacy of your inbox every day. Since your inbox stores plenty of sensitive informatio
  • Privacy guides
We all rely on email to communicate in our professional and personal lives. From calendar events to flight confirmations and online shopping receipts, our inbox contains private data about our schedules, interests, and habits. Our reliance on email m
secure file sharing
  • Privacy guides
Whether you’re sharing personal documents with family or collaborating on a secret project at work, here’s how to ensure you share files securely. What is secure file sharing? Types of file sharing Why use secure file sharing? 8 tips for secure file
ways to securely send sensitive information via email
  • Privacy guides
Messages you send with most email providers aren’t secure, but there are ways to send sensitive information by email. We’ve all been asked to send confidential information by email. You may have just hit “Send” with fingers crossed, hoping it won’t
  • Privacy guides
From job applications to order receipts, your inbox holds plenty of sensitive data about you. Unfortunately, email was initially not designed to be secure. Hackers can try to undermine the security and privacy of your inbox in multiple ways, includin
  • Privacy guides
Most cloud storage services aren’t end-to-end encrypted and can access your files. Here’s what you should look for when choosing a secure cloud storage service. From family photos to banking statements, your files contain intimate details about you
  • Privacy guides
Over 300 billion emails are sent and received daily around the world, making it one of the most popular forms of communication. However, most modern email providers, such as Gmail or Outlook, do not adequately protect your emails.  Gmail stopped rea
  • Privacy guides
Everyone has files that need to be encrypted. From intimate personal details to legal and financial documents, your files contain information that should be private and secure. But many internet services we all use every day are not private. Compani
  • Privacy guides
We’re sharing tips on how you can make sure you’ve secured your personal information using Proton.  When you choose Proton, you’re entrusting us with your personal information. We take this responsibility seriously, which is why we protect your data
  • Privacy guides
From job applications to business contracts, we use email to send and receive sensitive documents on a daily basis. However, email has certain vulnerabilities, like any technology. If you receive emails, you need to make sure they’re genuine and not