
Privacy guides

Looking into the Dropbox privacy policy
  • Privacy guides
Dropbox was the first mainstream cloud storage provider, and still the biggest player on the market, with 700 million users in 2022. We took a dive into Dropbox’s privacy policy to see how well the company protects the personal data of those millions
  • Privacy guides
There’s a saying that data is the new oil because of how valuable it is to the digital economy. But what’s the value of your data, personally? Depending where you live, information about you could be worth at least several hundred dollars a year to F
How to export passwords from Chrome
  • Privacy guides
If you want to leave Google, one of the first things you must do is stop using its proprietary browser, Chrome, and its built-in password manager. A vital first step towards leaving Google is downloading your passwords so you can transition more easi
what is ransomware
  • Privacy guides
Ransomware is one of the more common and dangerous forms of cybercrime, but what is ransomware exactly? In this article we’ll explain how it works, and what you can do to prevent becoming the victim of a ransomware attack — and how to recover if you
  • Privacy guides
Your passwords (or more accurately, your usernames and passwords) are the keys to your digital life. They are the first (and often only) line of defense, preventing hackers and other bad actors from ransacking your bank accounts and pillaging your pe
Dropbox security issues
  • Privacy guides
Dropbox was the first mainstream cloud storage service available and has blazed many trails for the industry. Sadly, it has also made a lot of missteps over the years, the worst of which was the Dropbox breach of 2012, the biggest the industry has se
is LastPass safe?
  • Privacy guides
If you’re shopping for a password manager, one prominent product is LastPass. The company has had a turbulent history, however, which may lead you to wonder, is LastPass safe? Based on its poor track record of security problems, the short answer is
  • Privacy guides
Setting up your own private email server puts your email infrastructure under your control. This can be great for privacy since it cuts out big email service providers like Gmail and Microsoft Outlook, which can access and misuse your data. On the o
delete Dropbox account
  • Privacy guides
Dropbox may have been the first mainstream cloud storage provider, but it’s no longer the best. It has a history of issues, from bugs in the interface to serious privacy and security problems. If you’re ready to switch providers, below we have instru
Best way to share photos
  • Privacy guides
Thanks to smartphones, nearly everyone always has a high-quality camera with them at all times, and most of us take pictures of just about everything. However, sharing those photos with friends or family can be a bit of a hassle, especially if you wa
  • Privacy guides
There are many reasons why you might want to delete your Outlook account. You may be tired of managing multiple accounts. Or perhaps you’re reevaluating your trust in popular email services due to growing concerns about data privacy.  After Microso