
Privacy guides

  • Privacy guides
If there’s one thing protecting your personal, financial, and professional information from hackers, it’s your password. Reusing weak passwords is the main culprit in countless data breaches, even though it’s an extremely simple problem to fix. In t
  • Privacy guides
Maybe you’re tired of juggling multiple email accounts. Or perhaps you’re concerned about how companies are angling for new ways to exploit your data for profit.  Whatever the case, there are many reasons why you might delete your Yahoo account for
how to stop google photos backup
  • Privacy guides
Google Photos’ backup feature automatically backs up your photos on your Android device. While automatic backups are convenient, there are good reasons you may want to prevent Google from copying your pictures onto its servers. We’ll show you how to
how to disable Edge password manager
  • Privacy guides
The password manager built into Edge, Microsoft’s proprietary browser, has several significant limitations that make it a poor choice to use as your everyday password manager. As a result, we’ve put together a small guide on how to turn off the Edge
  • Privacy guides
Digital files live on physical devices. When those devices get lost, stolen, or hacked, you can lose all your data unless you’ve created backups on the cloud or another device. Data loss is surprisingly common, and sometimes it’s painful — you can l
What is your online identity?
  • Privacy guides
Your online identity is hard to grasp: for some it’s the email address that you use for all your accounts, while for others it’s their Facebook profile or even a username on an online forum or multiplayer game world. In this article we’ll give one p
how to delete LastPass
  • Privacy guides
If you’re still using LastPass, you probably shouldn’t be. It has some serious issues with security, the worst of which is when it suffered the worst data breach in the history of password managers. To help you get away, we’ve put together this guide
password fatigue
  • Privacy guides
Most people in the digital age have dozens, if not hundreds, of passwords, and keeping track of them is tiring, to say the least. If you’re suffering from password fatigue, you’ll be happy to know there’s an easy fix. The short answer is that you sh
are password managers safe?
  • Privacy guides
Password managers are a great way to generate secure passwords, keep them in encrypted storage together with your credit card details, and improve your online security across the board. But you might be worried about keeping so much sensitive data in
  • Privacy guides
Google Drive is the world’s most popular cloud storage service by far, with over 3 billion people using Google Workspace (which includes Google Drive, Google Calendar, Gmail, and more). But this ubiquity has recently caused concern following several
  • Privacy guides
Most email addresses use the default domain provided by their email service. For Proton Mail accounts, it’s For Gmail, it’s These are usually free and work just fine for most people. But there are situations where it makes sens