
Privacy guides

What is the difference between backup and sync?
  • Privacy guides
Data backup and data sync are different approaches to storing and updating files that have become popular with the rise of cloud storage. Knowing which one to use and when is one part of using your cloud storage effectively. The short version is tha
how to transfer files to a new computer
  • Privacy guides
If you’ve just bought a new laptop or put together a new computer, you’ll want to transfer all your old files to your new computer. While there’s no one-click solution to move your hard drive’s contents to the new computer, you do have options to acc
how to disable google password manager
  • Privacy guides
If you use Google Chrome for your browser (and since roughly 66% of people use Chrome, it’s likely you do), you’re probably familiar with Google Password Manager, the built-in tool that can remember and autofill passwords for you.  There are good re
  • Privacy guides
We all need to be vigilant about creating mathematically impenetrable passwords. And if you’re one of the hundreds of thousands of people who use names and birth dates in their passwords, then it’s definitely time to tighten up your login security. 
  • Privacy guides
In the public eye, Google presents itself as a champion of privacy. “Privacy is at the heart of everything we do,” its CEO said. But behind closed doors, Google is telling a different story to policymakers and actively fighting against privacy laws
  • Privacy guides
The last thing you want when showing funny videos or holiday photos on your phone or tablet to friends and family is for them to see your sensitive and private photos. Although there are third-party apps dedicated to hiding your personal photos and
  • Privacy guides
It can be slightly difficult to encrypt a zip file using the tools available on your Windows or Mac. Unlike encrypting a PDF or an Excel file, there’s no standardized software to use. You’ll need to rely on your device’s built-in encryption methods.
How to unsend an email in Gmail, Outlook, Proton Mail, and Apple Mail
  • Privacy guides
“Undo Send” gives you a chance to stop an erroneous message you’ve just sent. We’ve all done it. You hit Send on an email only to spot you’ve misspelled someone’s name, forgotten an attachment, or accidentally sent a cringing joke to half your conta
  • Privacy guides
Google has already taken privacy washing to the extreme by trying to brand itself as “privacy focused”, even though its business model is based on surveillance.  Lately, the company’s marketing strategy has turned toward outright Orwellian doublespe
What is email spoofing?
  • Privacy guides
Email spoofing is a technique attackers use to make a message appear to be from a legitimate sender — a common trick in phishing and spam emails. Learn how spoofing works, how to identify spoofed messages, and how to protect yourself from spoofing a
  • Privacy guides
Google Chrome is the world’s most popular web browser by far, with over 3 billion users. Its built-in password manager, Google Password Manager, is its default software to create and store passwords for websites and services. Although convenient for