Proton Mail 3.1 release notes

We have launched support for custom domains and paid accounts!

We have now released Proton Mail version 3.1 to all users. This is a major update which brings numerous new features to Proton Mail.

For the first time, you can now use your own domain name with Proton Mail. This means emails sent to/from can go through Proton Mail and benefit from end-to-end encryption. For those who wish to support Proton Mail, and gain access to extra features and storage, it is now possible to upgrade to a paid account! To upgrade your account, simply go to Settings → Dashboard .

Proton Mail 3.1 is the beginning of the long term growth of Proton Mail. Up to this point Proton Mail’s revenue has consisted entirely of donations from our growing community. This support is what has made the project possible in the first place, and allows us to today serve over 1 million users worldwide. Over the past three years, we have succeeded in providing privacy and security online for many who need it, at no cost.

However, internet freedom and privacy is not actually free.  As the number of Proton Mail users has grown, so has the costs of running Proton Mail (servers, bandwidth, personnel, and other expenses). Furthermore, we need to do more than just run Proton Mail, we also have to defend it. As we discovered last year, the cost of protecting Proton Mail against attackers is very high, but with the support of our community, we have continually prevailed against attackers who are determined to destroy online privacy.

Unlike Google which makes billions of dollars through data scanning and advertisements, Proton Mail is a community driven project which relies entirely on support from the community to cover operational costs and fund further development. Your support is essential to keep Proton Mail running and growing. If you would like to support our mission to bring email privacy and security back, please consider upgrading to a paid account(new window).

Even though there is a very high cost associated with supporting millions of free accounts, we are committed to keeping a free version of Proton Mail available for those who need privacy, but do not have the financial means to pay for it. Your donation or paid account subscription will go a long way towards helping us maintain the democratic nature of Proton Mail. With your support, we look forward to continuing to grow the Proton Mail community and making internet privacy a reality for everyone.

Learn more about Proton Mail 3.1(new window)

Learn more about paid plan pricing(new window)

Learn more about custom domains(new window)

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