
Privacy guides

  • Privacy guides
Fingerprinting is a way to identify you on the internet and can be very hard to prevent. In this article, we discuss what fingerprinting is, and how to reduce your fingerprint. * What is browser fingerprinting? * What is device fingerprinting? *
What is personally identifiable information
  • Privacy guides
If you’re a little tech savvy, you probably know you need to protect personally identifiable information, also known as PII. But what is considered personally identifiable information exactly? And how can you best protect your personal data? * What
  • Privacy guides
Most of us created our first email addresses when we were teenagers using the internet for the first time. Unfortunately, some of these email addresses consist of childhood nicknames, names of pets, and other awkward monikers, causing us embarrassmen
  • Privacy guides
There are lots of instances when you want to send the same email to multiple people. Sometimes, you want everyone to be part of the conversation and see each other’s responses. Other times, you want to send the same email to multiple people, but you
  • Privacy guides
Everything you need to know about cloud computing. Before the internet, your computer performed all its computing tasks locally. Your computer’s CPU and memory (etc.) were used to process information that was also stored locally (for example, on you
  • Privacy guides
Learn about unsolicited messages sent in bulk by email, how to identify and prevent them, and how spam email filters work. What is spam email? What is the purpose of spam emails? Are spam emails dangerous? How do spammers get your email address? Com
Privacy decrypted: privacy policy
  • Privacy guides
Privacy policies explain how organizations collect and secure your personal information, but few people read them. Here’s how to quickly check a privacy policy to take back control of your data. When you last bought something online, you may have gl
  • Privacy guides
From holiday photos to our purchasing history to personal correspondences, our emails contain a great deal of sensitive information. It is therefore vital to keep your inbox and messages secure. This is more difficult than it first appears, as email
  • Privacy guides
With the proliferation of smartphones and social media, cyberstalking is on the rise. Compared to traditional stalking, cyberstalking can be a more threatening form of aggression as cyberstalkers can hide behind the anonymity of the internet and terr
How to delete Amazon
  • Privacy guides
Whether you’ve had enough of Big Tech companies monetizing your personal data or just found somewhere else to shop, here’s all you need to know to permanently close your Amazon account. The “Everything Store” is everywhere. Amazon has grown into a d
  • Privacy guides
HTTPS IS THE BACKBONE THAT KEEPS EVERYONE SAFE AND SECURE ON THE INTERNET. HOWEVER, IT DOES LITTLE TO PREVENT YOU FROM BEING TRACKED ONLINE. When you surf the web, you connect to websites using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), first developed