
Privacy guides

An illustration of political campaigns sharing voter data.
  • Privacy guides
During this American presidential election campaign season, politicians have scored points calling out tech companies for abusing the personal data of their users. Yet many political campaigns are engaged in very similar practices.  Political campai
An illustration of cryptojacking.
  • Privacy guides
Cryptojacking made headlines back in 2017 when hackers hit a series of high profile websites (including several operated by the UK and Australian governments). Whenever somebody visited an infected site, the hackers were able to hijack the visitor’s
An illustration of different smart devices that make up the Internet of Things.
  • Privacy guides
The Internet of Things has come a long way since the turn of the century when it was a buzzword used by futurists and entrepreneurs. Although not yet as ubiquitous as some predicted a decade ago, Internet-connected devices have crept into many aspect
illustration of biometric authentication
  • Privacy guides
Biometric authentication is a growing part of the tech landscape — it’s in our schools, offices, airports, government buildings, and more recently, in our smartphones. Apple’s introduction of Touch ID in 2013 has paved the way for fingerprint-, face-
  • Privacy guides
The smartphone is one of the most invasive devices ever invented. It’s easy to forget that, of course, because we are so familiar with them, and they are so useful. But while you might value your smartphone for the convenience it gives you, tech comp
  • Privacy guides
This post was updated in July 2024 to include our thoughts on Firefox’s controversial new privacy-preserving ad measurement feature Your web browser is your window into the online world. On desktop PCs and laptops, it’s your primary means of accessi
illustration of protonmail ios security recommendation
  • Privacy guides
UPDATE Aug. 3, 2020: Cybersecurity experts discovered a new vulnerability that allows access to the private encryption keys stored in old versions of Apple’s Secure Enclave chips. The Secure Enclave chip is a security feature that protects the privat
Data breach prevention illustration
  • Privacy guides
The Internet is full of information about what companies should do to keep consumers’ personal data safe from hackers. And there’s plenty of advice for consumers who have already been the victim of a data breach. (You can read our article on the Prot
  • Privacy guides
Learn what PGP encryption is, how it works, and the simplest way to secure your emails with PGP. When Edward Snowden secretly communicated his surveillance revelations to journalists in 2013, he used PGP encryption. Over the years, thousands around
Proton Mail for Journalist
  • Privacy guides
Proton Mail is a free, encrypted email service that protects your messages from hackers, government surveillance, and data breaches. Not even Proton Mail can access your emails. Download the Proton Mail guide for journalists “Unencrypted journalist
  • Privacy guides
You probably already know some obvious password safety tips, like don’t use “password” as your password. But did you know a password like “Ch@ll3ng3r%$” is not much more secure?  Sure, it mixes upper- and lower-case letters, numbers and special char