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Proton is a privacy-by-default alternative to Big Tech ecosystems, one that is neutral and puts people first. Much more than just a visual refresh that makes our apps more modern and easier to use, the new Proton brings our services together to form
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The desire for an internet that protects people’s privacy is growing. A 2019 Pew Research poll showed that 79% of Americans report being concerned about how companies use their data. But any privacy reforms that don’t address Big Tech’s dominance of
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The clock may be ticking on Google, Apple, and other tech giants’ ability to impose their email apps on users as default settings. If EU regulators are serious about fair competition in digital markets, letting people choose their own private email a
An illustration of content scanning that could happen under EARN IT.
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Last updated 2 February 2022 On 2 July 2020, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to approve the EARN IT Act (an acronym that stands for Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies Act of 2020). It then died, never receiving
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US citizens, conditioned to expect inaction from Congress, have increasingly turned elsewhere for swift action on today’s pressing issues, including when it comes to privacy. With no major Congressional privacy bill anywhere near passing, more and mo
Privacy wins 2021
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As we come to the end of Data Privacy Week, it’s important to take stock of our progress. Yes, building an internet where privacy is the default is hard work, and yes, we still have a long way to go, but there were promising developments in 2021 for
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Note: We conducted another survey with YouGov this April about privacy concerns in the UK. Read about how people in the UK want to protect their privacy NEARLY 90% OF BRITONS ARE CONCERNED ABOUT THE PRIVACY OF THEIR PERSONAL DATA ONLINE, BUT 20% DO
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It’s not perfect, but EU lawmakers still have time to save the DMA by letting people choose the core apps that come installed on their devices. On Monday, November 22, the European Parliament’s Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (I
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Since the founding of Proton in 2014, we have fought to advance privacy and freedom around the world. We do this not only through technology and advocacy (Proton has contributed over $500,000 toward defending these values around the world) but also t
zoom logo with spy cam
  • Privacy news
Zoom has agreed to pay an $85 million settlement after falsely claiming calls were protected with end-to-end encryption and for handing over people’s data to Facebook and Google without their consent. This is the latest development in a list of priva
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  • Privacy news
After being left behind when it comes to tackling Big Tech by the EU and its own states, the US government is finally taking action. Maybe.  In June, members of the US House of Representatives introduced six major bills to regulate Big Tech that, if