
Product updates
  • Product updates
  • Proton Mail
Last updated: 29 April 2022 — We’re extending the deadline to activate a free address until 8 June. When we founded Proton Mail in 2014, we realized one of the best ways to help everyone protect their privacy was to make sending encrypted
Email tracker protection
  • Product updates
  • Proton Mail
At Proton Mail, we believe that reading emails should be as private as our end-to-end encryption makes sending them. Today, we’re happy to introduce enhanced tracking protection, a feature that will provide an additional layer of privacy to your inb
  • Product updates
At Proton, our community is incredibly important to us. We exist only through your support, and we are here to serve you. As part of our commitment to you, we closely read the feedback you share with us directly and on social media platforms. We take
  • Product updates
  • Proton Mail
Congratulations on joining the Proton community!  To help you do more with Proton Mail, we’re introducing four quick actions to help you discover your new inbox: * Discover how our privacy features protect you * Set up automatic forwarding from G
  • Product updates
  • Proton Mail
A little over 7 years after we first released the first public beta for Proton Mail, we are excited to announce a newly redesigned Proton Mail for web! The new Proton Mail is available to everyone and offers a sharp new look, more personalization opt
An illustration of Proton Calendar beta for web and Android
  • Product updates
  • Proton Calendar
Proton Calendar, our privacy-focused calendar app, is now available in beta on Android and web for everyone who has a Proton Account. Protected by the same end-to-end encryption used in Proton Mail, this simple, easy-to-use, and intuitive calendar wi
  • Product updates
  • Proton Mail
At Proton, our core mission is to build an encrypted internet that is more safe and private for everyone. As part of this mission, we know how important it is to develop the tools you need to be efficient and productive. We are therefore very pleased
An illustration of Proton Calendar event invitations
  • Product updates
  • Proton Calendar
Have big plans? Now that you can use the Proton Calendar web app to send and receive event invitations, you can share your plans with anyone. This feature works with Proton Calendar as well as other popular calendars, allowing you to collaborate with
An illustration of the Proton Calendar Android app beta.
  • Product updates
  • Proton Calendar
UPDATE April 14, 2021: The Proton Calendar beta on web and Android is now available to everyone who has a Proton Mail account, including users with a Free plan. Today marks a major milestone in the development of Proton Calendar, our privacy-focused
Illustration of link sharing
  • Product updates
  • Proton Drive
This post was updated on January 5, 2023. You can now share any Proton Drive file or folder with anyone using a secure, shareable link. If you need to share sensitive material, you can require the link’s recipient to enter a password before they can
  • Product updates
  • Proton Mail
Have you ever fired off an ill-considered email and then thought oops! the moment you hit Send? Or have you sent off an email intended to impress the recipient, realizing with horror, seconds too late, that you have misspelled their name? And the “Re