
Product updates

Illustration of Proton Mail in iOS
  • Product updates
  • Proton Mail
If you’re an iPhone or iPad user, you can now set Proton Mail as your default email app in the latest version of iOS. This is a welcome decision from Apple to allow users to choose their preferred email service, and means that “mailto” links can now
An illustration of Proton Mail's public keys.
  • Product updates
  • Proton Mail
This summer, we conducted a security audit to determine whether Proton is susceptible to an attack against public key cryptography, known as a batch GCD attack. As a result of our analysis, we can confirm that none of our users is vulnerable to this
Proton 4.0 is now in beta
  • Product updates
Today, we are marking a major milestone in our mission to expand privacy online with the launch of a new beta version of Proton Mail for web that includes crucial new features like Single Sign-On and persistent sessions (“remember me”).  Today’s upd
  • Product updates
  • Proton Mail
UPDATE Sept. 15, 2020: SwissSign has dealt with the DDoS attack and has taken measures to prevent similar outages in the future. Therefore, we are using them again as our certificate authority. We have updated the fingerprints at the bottom of this a
  • Product updates
  • Proton Drive
Updated: September 22, 2022 This article documents Proton Drive’s security model by showing how it uses end-to-end encryption to protect your sensitive data. While somewhat technical, this document is meant to be accessible to a general audience and
An illustration of the multi-account feature for iOS.
  • Product updates
  • Proton Mail
UPDATE July 21, 2020: Multi-account support for iOS has exited beta and is now available to all our iOS users. Version 1.12 of Proton Mail iOS lets you manage multiple Proton Mail accounts on your phone without needing to log in and log out repeated
An illustration of the Proton Mail Android app going open source.
  • Product updates
  • Proton Mail
Starting today, every app you use to access your Proton Mail inbox is open source and has passed an independent security audit. One of our guiding principles is transparency. You deserve to know who we are, how our products can and cannot protect yo
illustration of Proton Mail Android client security
  • Product updates
  • Proton Mail
The following article presents a high-level overview of Proton Mail’s Android security model and explains how the app protects your sensitive data. You can view our Android app’s open-source code on GitHub. Read our threat model for more information
Illustration of Proton Mail Bridge open source
  • Product updates
  • Proton Mail
We are one step closer to fully open sourcing all our apps. Proton Mail Bridge joins iOS and the web app as open source software, and it has also passed an independent security audit. Trust and transparency are core values of Proton Mail. We want yo
Illustration of the Bridge security model
  • Product updates
  • Proton Mail
Proton Mail Bridge is a desktop application that runs in the background on your computer and encrypts and decrypts your mail as it enters and leaves your device. It allows for full integration of your Proton Mail account with email clients like Micro
protonmail bridge for linux
  • Product updates
  • Proton Mail
We are excited to announce that starting today, you can use Bridge to connect your Proton Mail account with your desktop email app on the Linux operating system. Proton Mail Bridge is a desktop app available to all paying subscribers that integrates